Page 8 - Newsletter#15finalcopy
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There has long been a history of  R&F members in the      Turner Freeman has instigated  a formal list of members
    SUA/WWF/MUA  attending  conferences,  particularly        who  believe  they  may  have  been  exposed  to  such
    representing    overseas    solidarity   organisations.    cargo’s  chemical  mix  or  develop  health  concerns
    Participation  used  to  be  endorsed  by  BMM  members    associated  with such  exposure.    The  article  suggests
    from  across  National  State  Branchs’,  nominations  put   “the  company  has  yet  to  recognise  this  danger  or
    forward, and then if necessary ballots held for those to   educate its workforce”.
    be  successfully  elected,  and  then  party  to  R&F
    participation                                             Reports  from  Qube  delegates  and  safety  committee
                                                              members  indicate  that  this  issue  is  not  new  to  the
    The  R&F  Newsletter  acknowledges  ‘selected’  R&F       workforce and preventative issues and awareness of the
    members  recently  attended  the  ‘Jobs  embassy’  in     exposure  to  Silica,  has  been  improving  over  several
    Canberra.  Given  R&F  participation  in  those  relatively   years  with  the  engagement  and  commitment  of  the
    distant rally’s’, domestic and worldwide, one would have   Safety  Committee,  delegates,  and  the  official  with
    thought  that  the  Union’s  reputation  on  member       responsibility for Qube - Paul Petersen. Silica  is a toxic
    participation in its affairs  and the short distance from   substance  and  easily  inhaled  during  the  handling  of
    Canon  Hill  to  Brisbane,  why  were  R&F  members  not   such mineral cargoes. It presents as critical a danger as
    asked to accompany Branch official(s) to the inaugural    Asbestos.
    RBTU and NAIDOC meetings?
                                                              The Qube Safety Committee members and delegates
    For  an  equally  important  yearly  meeting  by  the  Peak   claim they were surprised  when an unscheduled,  last
    Union body – the ACTU, the Qld Branch in its week of      minute site meeting was arranged by the Acting Branch
    training  or  in  the  Branch  news  #9,  appears  to  have   secretary, with P.Gallagher , Paul Petersen, and Aaron
    neglected    to  mention  or  inform  members,  of  the   Johnson  attending a week ago, over the Silica issue.
    upcoming 2021 Congress, held via Zoom on July 27-28.      The safety committee members raised concern about
                                                              not being informed that such an enquiry on the handling
    It was therefore, a welcome surprise that I received an   of ‘dust cargoes’ appeared to have been triggered by a
    invitation  to  participate  and  register  for  the  event  by   poorly worded email from P. Gallagher to management
    National Secretary Paddy Crumlin and I  have registered   on the issue. The safety committee expressed the view
    for it. I note though, it coincides with the Branch Monthly   it placed them in an embarrassing situation when  not
    Meeting Tuesday 27 .July at Canon Hill.                   consulted  or    informed  as  they  should  have  been,
                                                              without  prior  notification  and  requirement  for  such  an
                                                              unexpected  meeting on the issue.

    Monday 26  July -  Pre-Congress Meeting
    And Tuesday – Official opening by President Michelle      During the meeting other Qube members concerns were
                                                              raised  by  Delegate  N01,  on  issues  between  Jason
                                                              Miners  and  Delegate  Graham  Bell.  Accusations  of
                                                              phone  conversations  being  ‘recorded’,  were  raised,
                                                              along with concerns on the removal of Paul Petersen
                                                              from  responsibility  for  the  Qube  site,  was  one
                                                              highlighted during discussion and  answers expected to
                                                              why  the  Branch  had  not  responded  to  the  members
                                                              resolution  wishing  to  retain  Paul  Petersen  as  ‘their
                                                              preferred’ Official.

                                                              The  Safety  committee  reps  also  raised  concerns  that
                                                              ‘reopening  previous  incidents’  over  the  silica  issue,
                                                              could be detrimental to some members.  A Qube senior
                                                              delegate,  defended  Graham  Bell  from  the  personal
                                                              attacks he had faced by Jason Miners, and said he had
                                                              “never  witnessed  an  official  threatening  to  sue  a
                                                              member” G.  Bell  expressed the view, “both  J. Miners
                                                              and P. Gallagher have consistently avoided due process
                                                              since the last MUA quadrennial elections”

    Apart  from  the  obvious  and  blatant  pre-election
    promotion  of  sitting  officials  and  relievers  in  the  Qld   This  newsletter  is  published  by  Mike  Barber  (6224)  and  Jeff
                                                              Langdon  (5266/1819)  on  behalf  of  the  Queensland  Branch  R&F
    Branch  News  #9,  there  is  reference  to  P.Gallagher   Collective.    Members wishing to receive Newsletter’s to their own
    making a “thorough investigation” into the entire Qube    email address, send details to  Or direct to
    managed  site  at  Wagner’s  wharf  Pinkenba,  on  the   and  ‘apply’
                                                              Thanks Comrades.
    discharge  of  clinker  dust,  and  high  levels  of  Silica  in
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