Page 43 - Mobile Computing
P. 43


               Transaction-oriented TCP

                     TCP phases
                   o  setup, data transmission, connection release
                   o  using 3-way-handshake needs 3 packets for setup and release, respectively
                   o  thus, even short messages need a minimum of 7 packets!

               Transaction oriented TCP
                   o  RFC1644,  T-TCP, describes a TCP version to avoid this overhead
                   o  connection setup, data transfer and connection release can be combined
                   o  thus, only 2 or 3 packets are needed

               Advantage: efficiency
                   o  Requires changed TCP
                   o  Mobility no longer transparent

       Approach                    Mechanism                   Advantages                Disadvantages
                                   Splits TCP connection       Isolation of              Loss of TCP
       Indirect TCP                into two connections        wireless link,            semantics, higher
                                                               simple                    latency at handover,
                                                                                         security problems
                                   Snoops data and             Transparent for end-      Insufficient isolation
       Snooping TCP                acknowledgements, local     to- end connection,       of wireless link,
                                   retransmission              MAC                       security problems

                                   Splits TCP                  Maintains end- to-end     Bad isolation of
       M-TCP                       connection, chokes          semantics, andles long    wireless link,
                                   sender via window           term and frequent         processing overhead
                                   size                        disconnections            due to bandwidth
                                                                                         management, security
       Fast retransmit/            Avoids slow-start           Simple and                Mixed layers, not
       fast recovery               after roaming               efficient                 transparent

       Transmission / time-        Freezes TCP state at        Independent of            Changes in TCP
       out freezing                disconnection, resumes      content, works for        required, MAC
                                   after reconnection          longer interruptions      dependent

       Selective                   Retransmits only lost                                 Slightly more
       retransmission              data                        Very efficient            complex receiver
                                                                                         software, more
                                                                                         buffer space needed
       Transaction-                Combines connection         Efficient for             Changes in TCP
       oriented TCP                setup/release and data      certain applications      required, not
                                   transmission                                          transparent,
                                                                                         security problems
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