Page 12 - Freehold Sales Document VER 3.1
P. 12

               The initial requirement was for ‘The Site’ to be 100% certified as B1 usage as of the 29th May 2015
               allowing for the right for Grant of Prior Approval.

                                            CERTFIFICATE OF LAWFUL B1 USAGE

                GRANT OF PRIOR APPROVAL FOR PERMITTED DEVELOPMENT – 16/01179/PDO See PDF Documents Enclosed
                 ‘The Site’ now benefits from Permitted Development for 16 residential units to be built within existing 7,000sqft
                 under the permitted development.

                                 PRIOR APPROVAL GRANT ‐ Dated 26 September 2016  – 16/01179/PDO

            FULL PLANNING APPROVAL – GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION - 17/00366/FUL See Documents Enclosed
             The  ultimate  goal and long term objective  was  always  to acquire Full  Planning  Permission  for  a  new  2 upper floor  and  a  substantial
             extension   into  the  parking  area,  to  allow  for  the  maximum  conceived  development  of  12  x 2 bedroom and 2 x 3 bedroom high‐
             end, XL high Spec' apartments, elevating the G.I.A of ‘The Site’ from the existing 7,000sqft to 15,888sqft attracting the inherent,
             substantially maximised profits therein.
                                PRIOR APPROVAL GRANT ‐ Dated 26 September 2016 ‐ 17/00366/FUL

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