Page 3 - Interbay 2nd Charge Consent - Email and Docs
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                      C ONTENTS            Monkey Puzzle House 2nd Charge Consent Request

                                                                                             JA  APEX

                     PAGE 1 and 2        Emails Between, Rachel Chun Sinclairs Law & Emmie From
                                         Interbay Service

                                         Definitive Portion of Interbay's Mortgage Allsops Valuation
                                         Denoting The Existing Knowledge of Existing Planning Verifying
                     PAGES  3 to 6
                                         This strategy as of MP Holding's  Fundamental Business Model
                                         and Profit bases.

                     Pages 7 to 20          The Original - Existing 14 Apartment Planning, Drawing and
                                            elevations as referenced and denoted in Allsops Valuation

                                            Upgraded New Pre-planning Application, draft drawings,
                      Pages 21 to 30        denoting the 4 floor, 23 Apartments, sent fro clarity, in tandem

                                            with the existing original plans to Service team at Interbay

                                           !�U�� U�� imprecise reply from Interbay's  about the lack of
                      Pages 31 to 32       knowledge in respect of any planning:

                      Brandon Ray MP Holdings Director spoke at length with Marion Scutts from Interbay to
                      rectify the position and to respectfully advise that the planning was always part of MP
                      Holdings Business model and Interbay was fully aware of this strategy as clearly
                      demonstrated in the Allsops valuation.

                      Marion asked for a written declaration from Mr Ray in that no building works would be
                      undertaken on Interbay's equity and that the funds were purely for the purposes of
                      acquiring and achieving planning permissions, this was emailed as seen on page 32.

                      Pages 33 to 39      The 2nd Charge Consent was again declined but this time on the
                                          grounds that there were arrears on the accounts and that a legal,
                       undertaking was need to ensure arrears would be cleared and the account would be
                       brought up to date and the email from Rachel Chun explaining the underlying reason for
                       the arrears and giving and assurance and legal undertaking that the arrears of course
                       would be paid as they have been for 4 years
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