Page 17 - The Tiny House Tactical Guide, 2018 Edition
P. 17
The following cities
have NO minimum
house size, according
to the American Tiny
House Association.
■ Sarasota County, FL
■ Union Mills, NC
■ Newfield, NY
■ Philadelphia, PA
■ Spur, TX
SOURCE: WWW.TITANFACTORYDIRECT.COM Park model homes. Often purchased
for seasonal living in an RV park, they
cap out at 400 sq. ft., and are typically
built on trailers, like tiny homes.
to pull up stakes and move somewhere more friendly to right-sized account for about 80 percent of spending. Texas, for example, spends
living. We’re not only ones pushing this idea. Code changes are in about $10,456 annually per student, according to the NEA. If that
the works that may make a hybrid tiny house possible (see “Fighting metric is taken for granted as the primary benchmark for approving
for Flexibility”). new housing, you see why cities might push back. In places where
affordable housing is hard to find, “one off” tiny homes built on full-
THE MUNICIPAL MIND sized lots may be seen as poor use of valuable space. Urban planners
Advocates for tiny homes need to understand the priorities of policy like density and proximity, not scattershot development. That’s why,
makers. Beseiged by taxpayers for every attempt to shift away in some communities, proposing a “village” of tiny homes on small
from “the way it’s always been done,” they tend to pick their fights lots may break through the policy barriers. Alternately, tiny homes
carefully, taking the path of least NIMBY pushback. That path, for built in more rural areas can disappear into the local landscape.
better or worse, typically leads them to take sanctuary in the bottom But the metric isn’t nearly that simple. Researchers on the impacts
line. Whatever costs a lot of money gets pushed to the bottom of of new housing development have found that larger homes, for
the priority list. example, might appeal to larger families (introducing more students
Property taxes, unfortunately, have become the primary financial to educate). The current level of capacity in local schools also matters.
engine that pays for city services. And city services almost never go Educating students in schools with empty seats costs far less than
down in price. To determine tax rates, cities assess properties and when classrooms are maxxed out.
assign a value. In some places, such as Texas, the formula is pretty As with any good housing plan, the key to social and financial
simple. Multiply the appraised value of the property by 1.5 percent. viability is mixed use—a combination of multi-family, small lot
So for a $100,000 home you pay $1,500 annually. A tiny home might developments and “one off” single-family homes on individual lots.
appraise for $30,000 or less. That cuts the potential property tax haul For example, In Austin, a tiny home village is under construction.
to under $500 annually. Village Farm will include 152 homes, many of them at 399 square
In most municipalities, education (schools and related costs) feet, built around an agricultural theme. GB