Page 5 - The Tiny House Tactical Guide, 2018 Edition
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Personal flair. Tiny house advocates worry that
as big business co-opts interest is compact living,
creativity will be curtailed.
Vive la Petite Maison!
T he Tiny House Tactical Guide isn’t a out, and the old American dream of a big house in the ‘burbs
It’s time to push the tiny house revolution to the next level.
coffee table design book. It’s a call
is now largely a fantasy for those on the outside, looking in.
But there may be a silver lining. Living small, done right,
to action, for everyone who wants
the freedom to build small, to live
can greatly reduce our impact on wildlife and natural
differently—to challenge the status quo
resources. Small homes also open up new doors to young
of taxes, debt and the right to grow old
in a safe, affordable home.
and overpriced rentals. They offer affordable housing to
What you’ll learn (as we did, compiling the Guide) is adults caught in the hamster wheel of stagnant incomes
low-income citizens and new Americans—and also can
that the deck is often stacked against would-be tiny house offer a new kind of independent living as we navigate our
owners and builders--and that simply living in a tiny twilight years.
house does not guarantee you’ll achieve a greener, leaner, At the same time, tiny homes are just plain cool. They
affordable lifestyle. Local politics, code definitions and fuel our human need for novelty and change.
zoning matter—as does every decision you make about So join us, as we explore this fast-changing shift in
how to occupy your new right-sized home. American housing. Whether you’re part of the supply chain,
In the Guide, we’re not pretending we all have equal or just fascinated with the possibilities of going small, you’ll
opportunities. The vast income gap between the top and find something in The Tiny House Tactical Guide that you
bottom is forcing Americans young and old to look more can apply to your own vision of living smaller.
seriously at small homes. The middle has been hollowed — MATT POWER, EDITOR