Page 29 - The Tiny House Tactical Guide from Green Builder
P. 29


            WITH STEEL                                                     Although it costs somewhat more

                                                                           up front, using a steel framing kit
                                                                           has many advantages.

        Michael Janzen, who partners with Volstrukt Steel Framing, lays out 10 reasons he uses steel kits.

          1. Higher R.O.I. — Your return on investment   require an experienced framing crew. All you do   8.  ICC Compliant  —  The cold-rolled steel
        is better because with wood framing most of the   is fasten panels together at square angles and   process used to produce these steel tiny house
        cost is in the labor. With steel tiny house kits, 80   attach it to your foundation.  kits is ICC-compliant and IRC-compliant. Read this
        percent of your investment stays in the quality   5. Pest/Rot/Rust Resistant — Galvanized   ESR-2361 PDF for more information about the
        permanent materials, not lost as a labor cost.  steel comes with a barrier to moisture and rust   FRAMECAD technology.
          2. Lightweight & Strong — Steel’s strength-to-  and makes an incompatible environment (or meal)   9. Highest Quality — An engineered frame
        weight ratio is 25 times higher than wood. A steel   for pests like termites.  means you can sail past the design phase and
        tiny house frame is 40-60% lighter than wood and   6. Thermal Bridging Defeated — Modern   avoid the risks for cost increases and delays.
        10 times the strength of a comparable wood frame.   sheathing options like ZIP™ Systems provide the   10. Experienced Designer & Manufacturer —
        So it’s half the weight and exponentially stronger.  thermal break, structural sheer strength, vapor and   Michael Janzen has been designing tiny houses
          3. Quick Assembly — At the factory, the steel   air barrier all in one application.  since 2008. Volstrukt uses the industry leading
        framing is all pre-assembled into wall and roof panels.   7. Stonger Than Your Average Steel — The   cold-rolled steel framing technology to produce
        Once delivered to your job site you can assemble the   structural quality 20 to 22-gauge sheet steel in   tiny house frames.
        panels in a day or two with the help of friends.  Volkstrukt kits is rolled through a series of dies
          4. No Special Skills Needed —  The pre-  and formed into C-sections, and not subject to   Condensed and reprinted from a
        assembled steel frame tiny house kits don’t   fragile fold points.         blog by Michael Janzen.

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