Page 3 - The Tiny House Tactical Guide from Green Builder
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Imagine what your house would look like if the
greatest minds in sustainability, performance, and
design came together to build it – with the goal of
remaining within your design parameters and budget.
HE EXPERIENCED PROFESSIONALS at Through meticulous planning, space is optimized to
Green Builder Media have joined forces with significantly reduce material use, jobsite waste, and cost. By
internationally-acclaimed building scientist and deploying advanced building science and superior construction
production builder CR Herro (VP Innovation, techniques, the home will exemplify resource efficiency and
Meritage Homes) and pioneering green architect promote occupant well-being.
Stace McGee (Founder, Environmental Dynamics The result: a simple, replicable template that homeowners and
Inc) to create the VISION House Seattle Cascades: builders can follow, based on decades of experience in the fields of
TThe House the Experts Built. green building, sustainable design, and building science.
Located in Enumclaw, WA (the gateway to Mount Rainier National
Park) the VISION House Seattle Cascades features the most advanced FOR MORE INFORMATION:
products, systems, and technologies to achieve extraordinary Look for ongoing editorial coverage about the VISION House
performance results – all at a reasonable price point. The net-zero, Seattle Cascades from Green Builder Media in the coming months.
solar powered, high performance, resilient, healthy, and intelligent In the meantime, be sure to check out the project microsite at
home boasts stunning design details, an open floor plan, and for
innovative materials. updated articles, videos, and news about the project.
western PREMIER
Stronger. Straighter. Greener.
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