Page 20 - CodeWatcher Fall 2016 Issue
P. 20

ERI Vs. HERS: The Back Story                                   allow on-site generation to substitute energy conservation
                                                               when calculating a score. That’s a fatal flaw in the ERI
The 2015 IECC established the Energy Rating Index (ERI)        performance path, particularly when rooftop solar panels
compliance alternative, which is modeled after RESNET’s        can generate upwards of 40 points toward a passing grade
HERS. In order to comply with the IECC under the ERI           of 51-54, depending on climate zone.”
path, the proposed home must have an ERI value equal to
or less than the target established by the code. While the       RESNET stayed neutral on the renewables topic at the
ERI compliance path has similarities to HERS (such as the      preliminary code hearings in April, primarily because its
similar 0-100 scale for setting the Index number), the HERS    focus was lobbying for the inclusion of Standard 301 in future
ratings have been used for green marketing of new homes        versions of the IECC, which RESNET Executive Director
and therefore offer the capability to include on-site power    Steve Baden, says “will simplify code language by striking
production in the calculation of the final HERS rating.        duplicate provisions and ensures that the ERI approach is
                                                               deployed using a standardized process from a consensus
  In contrast, the ERI number is intended to measure           document.”
energy conservation to meet an energy efficiency
compliance target, not energy purchased by the homeowner         According to Baden, the 2015 IECC’s ERI isn’t based on
after conservation and self-generation are considered, and     any recognized standard, while the proposed RESNET/
it sets climate zone specific targets for ERI performance      ICC Standard 301 is an ANSI national consensus standard.
path compliance.                                               “The provisions of standard 301 are consistent with the
                                                               2015 IECC Energy Rating Index provisions including the
  According to the Florida Building Commission in an April     development of the Energy Rating Index, compliance
memo: “A plain reading of the 2015 IECC should suggest that    software tool approval, and the minimum capabilities of the
if HERS software is used to produce [a calculation] for ERI    software used to determine an ERI for a project.”
compliance, the code user must omit the final step that would
include on-site power. States adopting the 2015 IECC must        The ANSI/RESNET/ICC Standard 301 is a whole house
provide specific guidance on this point to ensure that energy  assessment of a home, which includes onsite power
conservation requirements are implemented fully and are        production. “Standard 301 will continue to be a whole
not substituted by on-site energy production.”                 house assessment because it drives HERS Ratings,”
                                                               Baden continues. “You cannot get to net-zero without
  If they don’t omit the on-site power piece, says the         onsite power production. As for onsite power production,
organization, here’s an example of the result: A typical       there are reasonable arguments that there should be a
Florida home with 5 Kwh of solar PV and 2,400 square feet      limit on how much it can be credited for the ERI option.”
would be awarded in excess of 40 HERS compliance points. If    (See “State Choices,” left.)
this were permitted as a trade-off against energy efficiency,
the home could be significantly less efficient than what the   No Quarter
energy code would allow.
                                                               For some in the industry, though, any trade-off of the
  “The goal of our residential building code should be net     envelope for solar is taking energy efficiency backwards and
zero energy ready homes, and the ERI compliance path,          should not be allowed at all.
adopted in the 2015 IECC, is the likely approach by which
to measure that goal,” says Curt Rich, president and CEO of      “If you look at California in isolation, the requirement for
the North American Insulation Manufacturers Association        performance for energy efficiency is higher than everyone
(NAIMA). “Unfortunately, the software tools used to calculate  else relative to 2015 codes,” notes Ron Jones, president
a home’s ERI score exceed the scope of the energy code and     of Green Builder Media. “In order for us to reach the
                                                               requirements of California, leave the building envelope
State Choices                                                  alone, at worst, and then add renewables, instead of setting
                                                               it up as either/or.”
Placing limits on power production is just one way states
                                                                 Jones believes that the only people manipulating the codes
are grappling with the issue of onsite power production        are the large production builders, such as Lennar, whose
                                                               wholly owned subsidiary sells solar panels. “They put a deal
credits. To date, seven states—Illinois, Maryland,             in place that weakens the envelope and then have someone
                                                               else [the homeowner] pay for the solar system. This isn’t
Massachusetts, New Jersey, Texas, Vermont and                  about solar versus the envelope; it’s about the national
Washington—have finalized their 2015 IECC adoption
                                                                 Laura Urbanek of the National Resources Defense Council
process and have taken a variety of approaches to the          (NRDC) points out that a well-built envelope creates a
                                                               resilient home, which is another reason renewables and
question of renewables for ERI compliance:                     high-performance shouldn’t be an either/or proposition.
                                                               “Hopefully buildings will last for 100 years. We need efficiency
¦¦ Texas prohibits the use of renewables for ERI compliance    that can persist over that time” she says. “Efficiency is cost
                                                               effective for the home owner and can be combined with
¦¦ Massachusetts caps the value of renewables at 5 points      renewables, but there’s no need to have one versus the other.”

  toward ERI compliance

¦¦ Washington eliminates the ERI compliance path

¦¦ Illinois, Maryland and New Jersey are silent on the topic

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