Page 66 - Green Builder Magazine Sept-Oct 2021
P. 66

                       New Offerings for the Sustainable Minded

            It’s Time to Move

            From the Sidelines

                                                                                                 Ron Jones
            to Center Stage                                                    
                                                                                            Co-Founder and President
                                                                                             Green Builder  Media

                 T HAS BECOME UNDENIABLY APPARENT that the       for profitability.
                 shelter industry is due for a serious recalibration. Those   But it may not be possible to fly under the radar for much
                 of us in this sector must adjust our frame of reference   longer. The failed strategies and policies that have propped up
                 and embrace greater responsibility for the outcomes of   the industry are coming home to roost. We are seeing increasing
                 our actions. There has perhaps never been a more urgent   resistance to “business as usual” in a variety of ways.
                 need to honestly reassess the impact and performance of   For example, some insurance companies are refusing to renew
                 what, where and how we build.                   policies for homes in areas with high risk of wildfires. Similarly,
                   This is a time when our country, and much of the   the National Flood Insurance Program is undergoing big changes
                 rest of the world, is undergoing a series of painful self-  that will significantly impact those who have traditionally relied
          I examinations in order to come to grips with a host of   upon its protection.
            social issues, looming environmental catastrophes, economic   We are also learning of building moratoriums predicated
            uncertainties and threats—internal and external—to our health,   on concerns about the availability of water and perhaps other
            safety and security. We can’t sit this one out.      resources and essential services. The industry will no doubt
              As we witness the ever-increasing destruction resulting   rail against these policies as no-growth strategies conjured up
            from Climate Change—as manifested in the intensification   by “environmental extremists.” But who is willing to guarantee
            of violent storms and flooding, unprecedented obliteration   that these necessities will be sustainably available?
            of entire communities by massive wildfires, megadrought   Look at the abysmal condition of our infrastructure across
            affecting multiple states and millions of residents, and the   the nation. The daily news is full of stories about crumbling
            extinction of countless species on this planet—we need to take   dams, roads and bridges, deteriorating water and wastewater
            a step back and own up to the part we have played in getting   systems, an increasingly vulnerable and suspect power grid,
            to this point.                                       and the dangerous conditions surrounding pipelines across the
               Inexplicably, we seem to willingly participate in a deadly game   continent.
            of chance each time we respond to another disaster by rebuilding   We are left to ask ourselves whether we are going to continue
            the same old way, in the very same places, with the same marginal   to contribute to the problem, or become part or the solution.
            systems and materials. We somehow expect a different outcome   Shelter is as basic a necessity for people as food, safe water and
            the next time our number comes up.                   breathable air. We can do better. We have the knowledge, the
              It is generally accepted that buildings account for roughly    tools, the materials and the technologies. The question is, do we
            40 percent of energy  use in the U.S. and a  corresponding    have the will? GB
            40 percent of carbon emissions generated. Yet, the industry
            resists all attempts to move the needle in a positive direction,
            instead hiding behind the skirts of “affordability,” a code word

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