Page 50 - Green Builder Nov-Dec 2021 Issue
P. 50

standing two centuries from now. To this
                                                                                   end, long-lasting structural insulated
                                                                                   panels (SIPs) and cross-laminated tim-
                                                                                   bers were used for the structural system.
                                                                                   When it came to the exterior wall system,
                                                                                   Yoakum says aluminum quickly rose to the
                                                                                   top on his list of options.
                                                                                     “We went through a process of energy
                                                                                   studies, and aluminum started coming in”
                                                                                   as a favored choice, he says. “If you install
                                                                                   it correctly, it will last forever.”
                                                                                     Petersen was the supplier of choice for
                                                                                   almost all the aluminum used in the proj-
                                                                                   ect, supplying 15,200 square feet of pan-
                                                                                   els and sheet metal, including .032-gauge
                                                                                   aluminum panels from PAC-CLAD (cor-
                                                                                   rugated), Snap-Clad (standing-seam), and
                                                                                   Tite-Loc Plus (standing seam), along with
                                                                                   PAC-CLAD 24-gauge galvalume M panels.
                                                                                     Yoakum worked closely with the instal-
                                                                                   lation pros at the local firm of Ralph Jones
                                                                                   Sheet Metal in Arlington, Tennessee, an
                                                                                   archimania collaborator on several previ-
                                                                                   ous projects. Company president Gordon
                                                                                   Jones helped Yoakum develop the unique
                                                                                   façade system for the structure’s highly
                                                                                   exposed southern elevation. The archi-
                                                                                   tect wanted a way to capture rainwater
                                                 COURTESY OF ARCHIMANIA 2020       on site, to reduce stormwater impacts
                                                                                   and minimize his family’s demands on
                                                                                   the municipal water supply. He also didn’t


            A lot can be said about whether metal siding is                                    ■    The paint footprint.
            good for the environment. Because the primary                                      Wood siding requires more-
            metal is usually aluminum, there are concerns                                      frequent painting—roughly
            about the amount of energy needed to create                                        every 5-8 years. Aluminum
            it, as well as its contribution to deforestation                                   siding’s embodied energy—a
            and groundwater pollution. But proponents                                          calculation of all of the energy,
            say there are a number of natural benefits that                                    clean or otherwise, used to
            make aluminum a positive choice for housing:                                       produce a material—is not
               Producing 1 million tons of aluminum in                                         quite 1.5 times that of acrylic
            tech-friendly Norway releases 15 million                                           paint used on wood. Assuming
            tons less pollution than the same material                                         the same square footage of
            produced in industrial China.                                                      siding, aluminum is slightly
               Because of its recyclable quality, 75    Grid lock. A combination of C channels, Z channels and M panels   greener.
            percent of all aluminum ever produced is still in   create an exterior that enables easier collection of rainwater, and   ■    Recycling is key. Provided
            use. Recycling aluminum uses 95 percent less   reduced strain on the city water system. COURTESY OF ARCHIMANIA 2020  it is sourced primarily from
            energy to recreate than the virgin material.  ideal circumstances (although this number   recycled material, aluminum siding should have
               Well-maintained aluminum cladding can   also varies greatly by type of wood used).    a lower overall embodied energy than other
            last for up to a half century. Wood siding, by   A longer lifespan means less environmental   durable claddings, including vinyl, brick and
            contrast, can typically go 20-40 years under   impact due to reduced need for production.  fiber cement.
                                                                                   SOURCE: RISE; BOB VILA; HOMEDECORBLISS.COM; UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE
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