Page 65 - Green Builder Nov-Dec 2021 Issue
P. 65



        IS HERE!                                              This isn’t gloom

                                                                      and doom.
                                                                It’s an invitation           Green Builder Media and

                                                                    to rise to the           Sam Rashkin have joined

                                                               top of the home               forces to launch Housing 2.0,
                                                                                             a comprehensive training and
                                                              building industry              education program designed

                                                                during times of              to teach building professionals
                                                                                             how to prepare themselves
                                                               intense change.               for the massive transformation

                                                                                             that the housing sector is
                                                                                             currently experiencing.

                                                                                             The program helps building
                                                                                             professionals design and
                                                                                             construct higher performance,
                                                                                             healthier, more sustainable
                                                                                             homes, optimizing the total
           SAM RASHKIN                                                                       housing user experience with
                                                                                             an estimated 30 to 70% hard
                                                                                             cost savings/added value.

        THE HOUSING 2.0 PROGRAM INCLUDES:                                                      This program is perfect for anyone
                                                                                               in the home building industry—
        6-PART WORKSHOPS (offered quarterly) that   COGNITION Smart Data insights into         CEOs who want to strategize new
        explore the Housing 2.0 fundamentals     market trends, market influencers, purchase   directions for their business, niche
                                                 drivers, behavioral patterns, and innovations   and production builders who want
        6 ONLINE COURSES with national thought   transforming the market                       to offer a new product or serve a
        leaders that delve into key topic areas like                                           new demographic. Or how about
        integrating digital technology, demystifying zero   RASHKIN’S SECOND BOOK, titled Housing   access to this program as the
        carbon, advanced health controls and sensors,   2.0, A Builder Guide to Surviving Disruption  ultimate perk to attract new hires
        offsite construction, and biophilic design                                             or to reward stand-out employees?
                                                 ARTICLES, BLOGS, VIDEOS, AND EXTENSIVE
        HANDS-ON ACTION GROUPS that allow        EDITORIAL COVERAGE generated by Green         2022 COURSES ARE OPEN
        building professionals to apply the Housing 2.0   Builder Media’s award-winning editorial team  FOR REGISTRATION
        fundamentals to real projects
                                                                                               REGISTER TODAY!
                            Cooling and Heating Solutions
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