Page 13 - CodeWatcher Summer 2017
P. 13

Energy Code Minute

            Metal Building

            Meets an Air Barrier

            We focus so much on the Residential Energy Code that we forget there
            actually is a Commercial Energy Code, and that they are different when it
            comes to some assemblies like walls.

            BY STEPHEN CARR                                                                  strength and direction
                                                                                             of the wind on a par-
                            OES YOUR AIR BARRIER MOVE? Funny                                 ticular day. Yet, we still
                            question, right? Well, for those who                             meet the code by having
                            own metal buildings using laminated                              the air barrier installed
                            insulation as their fi nished product, this                      on the interior side of
                            question may not be far-fetched. Now,                           Credit: Service Partners  the building envelope.
                            put that building at a high elevation or                           What about the metal
           Dalong the coast where wind is almost                                             sheeting on the build-
            always at or above 10 mph, and the question makes even   The red arrow on the metal sheeting   ing? The sheeting itself
            more sense.                                         indicates where there is a gap that   is an air barrier, yet in
              We actually had this very situation. The metal building   needs to be sealed with a panel   this and many other
            was in a high wind area, and the laminated insulation was   closure strip.       cases it does not get
            installed very well,                                sealed like a roof because the interior laminated insulation
            all seams sealed, and                               is the air barrier. So, no additional steps need to be taken,
            penetrations  sealed                                right? Well, it depends. Does your building owner want to
            creating that  contin-                              have their air barrier move?
            uous  coverage. What                                  For those wanting a fairly air-tight metal building, you will
            happened in this case                               need to seal your exterior metal sheeting with panel closure
            is that the “air barrier”                           strips for the ends of each panel and sealant (caulking or
            moved, “ballooned,”                                 other) to air seal the seams of each sheet. Treat your walls as
            made noise which was                                you do the roof assembly. You would not want water entering
            not what the building                               your roof, why let air enter your wall cavity?
            owner was looking for.                                I am biased on this topic and encourage builders to always
              So, why did this hap-                             seal the wall assembly at the exterior sheathing. The reason
            pen?                                              Credit: Service Partners  is simple: It works 100% of the time with signifi cantly less
              As  we know, code                                 obstructions than sealing from the interior.
            gets us started in a di-                              Just because the code says you can choose inside or outside
            rection,  yet in some   Here, laminated fiberglass insulation   does not mean both options are the same or are right for the
            cases does not help us   is shown as the finished product.  building. It just means that your building offi  cial is looking
            to identify issues prior to them showing up in real life.   for it at either location. CW
              Section C402.5.1 of the 2015 IECC Commercial Code states:
              “A continuous air barrier shall be provided throughout            Stephen Carr is Regional Building Science
            the building thermal envelope. The air barriers shall be            Manager for TopBuild Home Services.
            permitted to be located on the inside or outside of the             Have questions? Email him at
            building envelope, or any combination thereof. The air    
            barrier shall comply with Section C402.5.1.1 and C402.5.1.2.”
              In this case, the code does not tell us that not sealing the
            outer metal sheeting, the wall assembly can be pressurized
            and make the laminated insulation move depending on

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