Page 5 - CodeWatcher Summer 2017
P. 5

Code Warrior                                                                   Ron Jones, Code Warrior

                                                                                           @CodeWarriorRon on Twitter

            Codes in the Headlines

            Serious code issues never make the news … unless it’s about

            a disaster or sensational failure.

                    ADLY, WE USUALLY ONLY hear or read about    top-tier group of professional, award winning journalists
                    codes in the wake of disasters involving buildings   who specialize in all things real estate. Well, almost all things.
                    and other manmade structures. A good case in   After attending numerous presentations and speaking
                    point is the recent catastrophic fire in a London   directly with a couple of dozen of these NAREE writers
           Shigh-rise apartment building where it is alleged    and editors it became totally clear that codes, regulations,
            that unapproved, possibly illegal, materials were used in a   energy efficiency, resiliency, and any topics falling under
            renovation that resulted in extensive destruction and tragic   the category of sustainable development and building are
            loss of life.                                       simply not on their radar screens.
              All too often we learn about structural failures resulting   This is not an indictment of these folks; after all, they write
            in  scores  of  deaths  caused  by  faulty  engineering  and   and report about what their readers want, which turns out
                                                                “If we hope to make building

                                                                codes relevant to the
                                                                population at large we are

                                                                going to have to come up

                                                                with much more compelling

                                                                ways of expressing their
                                                                importance and give

                                                                everyone who has a stake in

                                                                shelter and the built
            construction, the  use of substandard components,
            inadequate safety systems, improper utilization of spaces,   environment a reason to pay
            and so on. In truth, even these types of events make the news
            hour or the front page only because they are too sensational   attention to the subject.’
            to be ignored by the viewer or reader.
              The reason for the absence of coverage related to building   to be information and data on real estate investment and the
            codes and regulations is pretty obvious; they’re just not sexy   business side of the industry. Apparently, they are just not
            topics for most people. Those who produce news coverage   being asked about much of anything other than the bottom
            are in the business of attracting eyeballs and, frankly, code   line. They discuss the topic of affordability extensively
            development, adoption, and enforcement are not very exciting   and dissect it in great detail but from the perspective of
            subjects that stop people and grab their attention. A building   profitability only.
            that performs the way it is intended to is not newsworthy.   If  we hope to make building codes relevant to the
              I already knew this but that didn’t prevent me from coming   population at large we are going to have to come up with
            away quite stunned by the lack of interest on the part of real   much more compelling ways of expressing their importance
            estate writers I talked with at the recent summer conference   and give everyone who has a stake in shelter and the built
            of the National Association of Real Estate Editors. This is a   environment a reason to pay attention to the subject. CW

                                                             Summer 2017 / CodeWatcher   5
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