Page 60 - Green Builder Magazine Jul-Aug 2021
P. 60

                       Business tips and strategies that work.

                       The Good Word

                                                                                                   Open minded.
                                                                                                   A company that gives
                                                                                                   its customers a “behind
                                                                                                   the scenes” look at its
                                                                                                   employees’ efforts to
                                                                                                   be environmentally
                                                                                                   friendly can come
                                                                                                   across as very down
                                                                                                   to earth.
                                                                                                   CREDIT: BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT

            Here are seven communication                         ■   In Africa and the Middle East, sustainability is often linked to
                                                                   fair prices.
            strategies to use when discussing                      The list goes on and includes things like pollution, climate change,
            sustainability with clients.                         community development, fair labor conditions, charity/donations,
                                                                 genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and much more.
                                                                   This range of perceptions makes it clear that sustainability
            BY RON STEFANSKI                                     marketers can no longer continue to use “sustainability” labels
            CONSUMERS ARE INCREASINGLY INTERESTED in purchasing   universally. If you want your message to be more effective, you
            products that are not damaging to the environment and people.   need to localize your brand messaging with a stronger focus on
            That’s why it’s important for companies to effectively promote   the local market’s views of sustainability.
            their brands’ sustainability attributes.             2. Make it positive. Most people find climate change to be depressing
              But, that’s easier said than done.                 enough, without being constantly bombarded with doom and
              Marketing sustainability  isn’t  always easy. And often,  gloom messages. Besides, it has been shown that people are far
            consumers  hesitate  to  buy  products  that  are  better,  more-  more receptive to positive messages than negative ones.
            sustainable alternatives because of factors such as confusion,   For instance, pointing out the negatives of smoking, such as
            gaps in trust, and lack of information.              lung cancer, heart problems, or even early death doesn’t seem
              To avoid this, you need to use the right verbal and visual   to dissuade smokers as much as highlighting the positives of
            communication strategies to ensure clients understand your   quitting smoking, such as the reduced risk of heart disease, saving
            expertise and the opportunities that exist for them. This article   money, increased fertility or more energy.
            outlines seven of the most effective communication strategies to   To make your message more powerful, focus on selling the
            use when discussing your sustainability expertise with clients.  positive, not the negative of sustainability. Focus on ways to talk
            1. Localize your message. Sustainability doesn’t mean the same thing   about the solutions.
            to all people. Consumers from around the world might associate   3. Make it relevant. A successful communication strategy for
            sustainability with diverse focus areas.             sustainability  begins with a  deeper  understanding of your
              For instance:                                      brand audience or stakeholders, which includes the employees,
              In North America, people mostly associate sustainability with
            ■                                                    investors and customers. You’ll need to know exactly what each of
              recycling.                                         them wants if you’re going to communicate effectively. You’ll find
              In Latin America, sustainability is more focused on alternative
            ■                                                    it easier to provide context and make the message more relevant.
              sources of energy.                                   For example, if you are talking about the effect of carbon dioxide
              In Asia-Pacific, the topic of sustainability brings to mind the
            ■                                                    (CO2) emissions on the environment, it might be difficult for your
              environment.                                       customers to envision what 100 grams or 10,000 tons of carbon

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