Page 24 - Green Builder Magazine Nov-Dec 2017 Issue
P. 24

Mature trees will always be the focus of a home’s foundation. They   a vibrant farmhouse ripe for entertaining. They can also produce a
                   keep properties cool during the heat and create windbreak barriers   particular strain of “garden envy.” Once one neighbor gets the outdoor
                   in the cold weather. They filter pollutants out of the air.   bed bug, it tends to spread through the community like wildfire.
                     Native plants that are self-sustaining can be cost effective to   Because city dwellers are glued to their devices and pretty
                   maintain. They also provide a sensational aesthetic to a home’s   much only see the sun when they’re racing from A to B, good old-
                   line of sight. Lose the greenery, and property heating and cooling   fashioned fresh air is usually now taken for granted as its own
                   systems tend to be higher, validating that the pleasant appearance   healthy attribute. Making a conscious effort to head to the gym or
                   of a great garden is also a natural cost reduction to the homeowners.   put on those sneakers for a run can be rebutted by any excuse to
                   Additionally, large trees and perennial native plants sequester carbon   reject real exercise. But regular nurturing of an edible garden offers
                   into the soil, literally pulling pollutants out of the air and storing   a way to get outside and burn calories while connecting mentally
                   them in the ground.                                     and physically with the land.
                                                                             It’s common for homeowners to work side by side with the farmers,
                   BRINGING COMMUNITIES TOGETHER                           and learn a thing or two about radish picking. An hour later, they
                   Urban gardens are also resulting in a natural gravitational pull for   are savvier on seasonal crop changes and the positive environmental
                   busy, tech-dependent urbanites. Edible beds can turn a home into   effects of urban farming, and they have done something good for

                   THE LIVING WALL GROWS UP

                   BY GREEN BUILDER STAFF
                   For some gardens, “onward” means “upward.”
                   The Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens
                   in Pittsburgh has unveiled a display of living
                   walls to demonstrate how vertical gardening can
                   be a viable way to grow produce in urban areas.
                     According to Michael Bechtel, Phipps’ display horticulturist,
                   limited space poses a significant challenge for urban
                   gardening. The green walls also provide the conservatory—an
                   environmental vanguard in Pittsburgh since 1893—with a way
                   to study, evaluate and learn about growing edibles on space-
                   efficient vertical gardens. “We’ll be able to offer education
                   and assistance to homeowners, schools and community
                   organizations on the planning, installing and maintenance
                   of their own green walls so that they can benefit from fresh
                   produce,” Bechtel says.                                                                                          CREDIT: PHIPPS CONSERVATORY
                     The 10-piece display was created by Spring Lake,
                   Mich.-based LiveWall, which specializes in practical and
                   sustainable living wall system solutions for vertical gardening.
                     Phipps tested the first LiveWall Inspire Living Wall Panel in   Looking on up. Green walls transform existing structures into vertical gardens
                   2015 on the south-facing wall of its production greenhouse   that families and community groups can use to grow their own fresh produce.
                   facility. It has since installed nine more. Each panel is 4’ wide by 7’4” tall   Homegrown, its outreach program dedicated to increasing community
                   and has 24 molded plastic modular planter boxes.        access to fresh produce, promoting better food choices, and improving
                     There’s a two-season planting cycle. In the spring, beets, carrots, collard   the overall health of families. Since 2013, the program has established more
                   greens, kale and kohlrabi grow on the green walls. Summer plantings include   than 200 vegetable gardens in urban and underserved neighborhoods. GB
                   basil, rosemary, thyme, celery root and various peppers.
                     Bechtel notes that the display correlates with Phipps’ various adult and   ■ ■ The Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens,
                   youth programs, classes and events to educate visitors about the benefits
                   of greener gardening and healthy eating. In addition, Phipps sponsors   ■ ■ LiveWall LLC,

                   22  GREEN BUILDER  November/December 2017                                  

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