Page 12 - Green Builder Magazine May-June 2021
P. 12



            13          Age of Resilience
                        With ultra-harsh snowstorms, wildfires and
                        hurricanes becoming more common, what does
                        the industry need to do to prepare for and
                        recover from the next Climate Change-induced
                        LESSONS LEARNED: There’s now an absolute need for
                        the construction industry to up its game in resilient home
                        construction and disaster resilience products.
                        WHAT NEXT?: Design strategies can protect builders and                                 13
                        homeowners from another grid meltdown.
                        COLD CASE: A carefully planned retrofit helped this Texas
                        Passive House survive the 2021 deep freeze.
                        An aging communications network has made us a candidate
                        for internet disaster. Are we ready?
            34          On The Minds of Millennials
                        When it comes to home buying, what do
                        millennials really want?
            42          VISION House Seattle Cascades:
                        A Smart Way with Water
                        The project’s owner plans to carefully manage
                        his home’s harvested water, whether he’s on
                        site or out of town.
            46          ReVISION House Austin:
                        From Mood Board to Reality
                        The deft work of an architect–interior designer
                        team is transforming this dated kitchen and
                        prep area into a sophisticated entertainer’s
            54          The Forever House:
                        Focus on Paints
                        Innovations in paint chemistry from
                        Sherwin-Williams give the ReVISION House                                                    PHOTO: SIGNATURE KITCHEN SUITE
                        Scottsdale project a boost in managing indoor
                        air quality.                                                                           46

            DEPARTMENTS                        “The tragedy of the Texas freeze brought home the fact that

            02  Editor’s Note                  ‘resilient housing practices’ is much more than just a trend, it’s
            06  Green Building News            an idea that’s time has come, no matter where you live.” Page 14
            56  Smart Cities
                                               Visit us at for up-to-date news analysis, case studies,
            60  Design Ideas
                                               new green projects, code and reg updates, thought-provoking blogs, cutting-edge
            64   Tailgate                      products and much more.

            10   GREEN BUILDER May/June 2021                                            
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