Page 19 - Green Builder Magazine May-June 2021
P. 19
Strike zone. The 2021 winter freeze struck a huge part of the nation—making all of the counties in pink or red prime candidates for homes needing
more weather-resistant roofs, insulation, power storage, decking and more. CREDIT: NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE
of that total was ultimately installed—a labor in the industry,” he notes. “We have seen more
total that is above the national average COVID-19 created another scenario, one
but below California, Florida and Arizona, that will continue even as the pandemic system-wide emergencies in
according to SMA America director of winds down. “We firmly believe the home the past few years than
marketing Brad Dore. should be a place where people feel safe
“It remains to be seen if the spike and have access to clean water, and that those in recent memory.
in interest that followed the freeze became even more important over the It’s expected that extreme
continues,” Dore says. “But according to past year as we turned to the home as a
installers we spoke with, it is possible and safe haven throughout the pandemic,” weather events will
even likely that this incident could result Northrup says. “Seeing Texans displaced continue and for automated
in sustained market growth for storage and without access to clean water in their
in the region.” homes due to the failed infrastructure technological responses to
made it all the more critical to respond be part of the solution.”
LONG-TERM IMPLICATIONS with aid and assistance quickly.”
Just like the California wildfires and the The chaotic, lost-resource scenario SARAH COLVIN, SENIOR DIRECTOR,
hurricanes that hit the Southeastern U.S. is not likely to change in the future, as
in past years, the Texas freeze brought Climate Change continues and weather
a major problem to the fore: a lack of patterns become more erratic. “Natural
qualified skilled trade workers to handle disasters are often unpredictable,” says
repairs. It was volunteer plumbers Sarah Lograsso, director of marketing
from across the country who stepped and product design for Eldorado Stone.
up to fix the region’s extensive damage, “While we can’t definitively calculate what
according to Trey Northrup, leader of a different weather system may bring, we
LIXIL Americas, which oversees brands can take our learnings from the recent
American Standard, GROHE and DXV. snow and ice storms that hit Texas to
“Overall, there is a real need for skilled prepare for what may lie ahead.” GB May/June 2021 GREEN BUILDER 17