Page 32 - Green Builder Magazine Sept-Oct 2017
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Locked in. Ductwork consists of insulated and air-sealed rigid trunk and flexible branch ducts for improved performance.
the house, as its variable capacity compressor automatically adjusts
up or down as necessary, using only the amount of energy needed to The tankless water heater’s smart
meet the thermostat set point. Return registers are located in every
room and balancing dampers are installed on every supply run. logic controller “learns” the
Ductwork consists of insulated and air-sealed rigid trunk and
flexible branch ducts. All ductwork was installed in the conditioned occupants’ water usage patterns and
basement and sealed per Energy Star and DOE ZERH requirements
for improved performance. circulates hot water when residents
All of the home’s windows are double pane with low-emissivity
coatings that reduce heat transfer. These windows, together with are most likely to use it.
sun tunnels and solar venting skylights, provide daylight to nearly
every room in the house. Nearly all of the home’s light fixtures are good stewardship practices including installing cabinetry labeled
equipped with LED lighting. through the Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturer’s Association’s (KCMA)
An Energy Star-labeled tankless condensing gas water heater Environmental Stewardship Program (ESP). Laminated engineered
with a 0.95 energy factor provides efficient water heating with low beams, I-joist floors, engineered roof trusses, and finger-jointed trim
NOx emissions. The home is piped with an insulated hot water were used because these reduce the use of large-dimensional lumber.
recirculation loop that distributes hot water close to each hot water “We leave nothing to happenstance,” says Addison Homes
fixture in the home. The water heater includes a smart logic controller founder Todd Usher. “When it comes to quality, we want every ‘T’
that “learns” the occupants’ hot water usage patterns and circulates crossed, every ‘I’ dotted. Our Quality Management System puts all
hot water through the insulated loop during times when the residents requirements and expectations in writing to ensure each phase of
are most likely to use it. This eliminates the wait time for hot water the home building process is completed according to our established
at the fixtures while reducing the amount of cold water wasted. standards.”
The home also has low-flow faucets and 1.28-gallon-per-flush toilets. In addition, trade partner general agreements define Addison’s
Outside, the WaterSense irrigation system uses a weather station expectations for every business relationship. By clearly outlining
installed on the home’s exterior to control watering periods and obligations, these agreements help eliminate the errors that can re-
amounts based on the local weather conditions as well as plant type sult from miscommunication. Job ready and quality checklists and
and topography. The sprinkler heads are designed to provide slower, scopes of work encourage best practices by trade partners, not only
more uniform and accurate delivery of water. standardizing work requirements but also outlining job specifica-
tions, minimizing resources wasted on rework, according to Usher.
DESIGNED FOR A LIFETIME Project superintendents execute the job ready checklists in advance
Elements of universal design were incorporated throughout the of specific construction activities to properly prepare for the next
home, including wide doorways, a zero-step garage entry and a trade partner or phase and review the quality checklists as work is
curbless shower in the master bath. Addison also implemented completed. They approve the job for prompt payment or refer it back
30 GREEN BUILDER September/October 2017
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