Page 9 - Green Builder Magazine Sept-Oct 2017
P. 9
 Green Building NEWS

 The Latest on Sustainability and Renewable Energy
                     Contractors Get

                     a Way to Keep

                     Things ‘Clean’

                     Now, builders don’t have to

                     go far for green products.
                     A                                                                                                          CREDIT: THE SOLUTIONS PROJECT
                               NEW TOOL  FROM  the  BlueGreen Alliance
                               Foundation is offering everyone from building
                               professionals to consumers a way to find energy-
                               efficient housing products that are healthy and
                               made locally. Building Clean—found at www.
           —provides an easy-to-use interface to access   Renewed potential. A variety of green power options could lead to
                     its unique database. Products and manufacturers of products   the end of fossil fuel use by at least 139 nations by mid-century.
                     available on the database include appliances, heating and
                     air-conditioning equipment, insulation, lighting, plumbing,   Fossil Fuels Could Be All
                     roofing, sealants and
                     water filtration. 
                       According to Kim                                    but Extinct to Phased Out
                     Glas, president of the
                     BlueGreen Alliance                                    Stanford study shows that most nations
                     Foundation, the site
                     allows searches for                                   can be powered entirely by renewables.
                     products and manu-                                            Y 2050, AT LEAST 139 COUNTRIES could be powered
                     facturers in energy-                                          entirely by wind, water and solar by making only a few
                     efficient building                                            infrastructure changes, according to a study by Stanford
                     sectors and includes                                          University researchers.
                     information about                                   B All 139 nations profiled in the study were members of
                     toxic chemicals                                  CREDIT: BLUEGREEN ALLIANCE FOUNDATION  the Paris Climate Agreement as of 2015, including the United States.
                     commonly found in                                     These nations account for 99 percent of all fossil fuel-derived carbon
                     some product cat-                                     dioxide, according to lead researcher Mark Jacobson.
                     egories. In addition,                                   The study notes that clean energy practices required by the surveyed
                     you can search for                                    countries would also prevent up to 7 million deaths annually from
                     products certified   Market value. The Building Clean   air pollution, and create 24 million long-term, full-time jobs. It would
                     with third-party   search tool gives manufacturers and   also result in stable energy prices, because fuel would arrive for free.
                     health certifications   builders a chance to buy their housing   It won’t be an easy transition for everyone, Jacobson says. Nations
                     and that promote   products from local providers.     with larger geographic areas and smaller populations—such as the
                     transparency by listing the chemicals they contain.   United States and European Union countries—will have an easier
                       The site can also be a resource for businesses looking   time giving up fossil fuels than more densely packed ones like
                     to break into the energy-efficient product supply chain.   Singapore. Each nation’s governmental views will also play a role.
                     “We wanted to make sure we were making it easy for      “Policymakers don’t usually want to commit to doing something
                     manufacturers looking to grow their businesses to find and   unless there is some reasonable science that can show it is possible,
                     get into contact with other business with needs they can   and that is what we are trying to do,” Jacobson says. “There are other
                     fulfill, providing an opportunity to grow their market and   scenarios. We are not saying that there is only one way we can do
                     business,” Glas says. GB
                                                                           this, but having a scenario gives people direction.” GB

                                                      September/October 2017  GREEN BUILDER   7

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