Page 38 - Green Builder MagazineJan-Feb 2019 HOTY Issue
P. 38
February 18, 2019
9:00 am –5:30 pm
Artemus W. Ham Concert Hall
University of Nevada Las Vegas
Las Vegas, Nevada
A sincere thank you to our generous sponsors and
partners for helping to make the Symposium possible!
Green Builder Media is delighted to announce the Sustainability
Symposium 2019: The Desert Shall Bloom. For anyone who cares
about green building, sustainable innovation, and climate action,
this is truly a can’t miss event.
Brimming with vision and ingenuity, the NEW THIS YEAR! Green Builder Media will
agenda features global leaders including: celebrate our annual Home of the Year Award
■ A welcome video from Jeff Bridges, winners, and our expanded Sustainability
Academy-Award winning actor and climate Award winners, at a festive dinner on February
activist (yes, ‘The Dude’!) 17 at 6:00 p.m. at the exclusive Mr. Chow in
■ General Wesley Clark (ret.), four-star Caesars Palace. Our renowned awards
general, former Army Chief of Staff, program recognizes the industry’s most
Presidential advisor, and fervent climate authentic, advanced, beautiful, sustainable
action advocate projects and the professionals who design
■ Bill Walton, NBA All-Star icon and passionate and construct them.
sustainability enthusiast PARTNERS
■ Susan Kucera, award-winning Director, Space is strictly limited and
Cinematographer, and Producer of eco-films by reservation only, so reserve
including “Breath of Life” and “Living in the your seat today! General Energy & Environmental Building Alliance
Future’s Past” (co-produced with Jeff Bridges)
■ Gwen Migita, Social Impact & Inclusion Vice admission for the Sustainability
President and Chief Sustainability Officer, Symposium is $350.
Caesars Entertainment
■ Ron Jones, Founder/President Green Builder Tickets for the Sustainability
Media and industry provocateur Awards gala are $150.
To register for the Sustainability Symposium 2019: The Desert Shall Bloom, go to
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