Page 59 - Green Builder MagazineJan-Feb 2019 HOTY Issue
P. 59


 “Incredibly creative. This particular building speaks volumes as to why

 understanding the region’s weather patterns and the materials that are
 available in the marketplace can produce affordable housing, and meet   Key Components                           CLOSET
                     ALTERNATIVE BUILDING SYSTEMS: Structural                        SLEEPING
 the needs of the specific target market. Sometimes less is more.”  bamboo panel system
                     APPLIANCES: Samsung 30-inch, 5.8-cubic-feet
                     Single Oven Gas Range; Vissani 9.9-cubic-foot                                              BATH
                     Top Freezer Refrigerator
                     CAULKS AND SEALANTS: DAP Dynaflex 230
                     COUNTERTOPS: Mango wood kitchen              LANAI
                     countertops (epoxy finish) with Koa face
                     frames                                                              LIVING/
                     DECKS: Bamboo roof, woven bamboo ceiling,                            ROOM
                     bamboo railings and bamboo pickets; stamped                                              KITCHEN
                     concrete with broadcast colors
                     DOORS AND HARDWARE: Masonite; Kwikset
                     Powerbolt touchpad electronic deadbolt
                     ELECTRICAL: 6-kWh Blue Ion lithium iron
                     phosphate off-grid energy storage (Blue Planet
                     EXTERIOR FINISHES: Split bamboo siding  FLOOR PLAN
                     FIRE PROTECTION: Bamboo poles meet
                     requirements of Class A Fire Rating
                     FLOORING: Stained cream polish concrete  For almost a quarter century, Bamboo   power of the sun, and the energy is stored in
                     FURNITURE: Hammock chairs that retract to   Living  has  made  a  name  for  itself  by   Blue Ion lithium iron phosphate batteries by
                     the ceiling, built-in daybed, mobile kitchen island   designing and building the  rst and only   Blue Planet Energy. The house is essentially
                     made from tropical hardwoods, bamboo ladder  structures to use International Code Council   o’-grid ready, with propane-powered range
                     INSULATION: Reflectix              (ICC-ES)-approved bamboo. The company   and water heater, and no HVAC system. The
                     LANDSCAPING: Majority of lot left in its natural   calls bamboo construction “green building at   home has a carbon-negative footprint, both
                     state with ‘ōhi‘a lehua trees, bamboo orchids
                     and autograph trees; landscaping includes   its best,” as it aids in the  ght against climate   in its construction phase as well as in its
                     variety of tropical fruit trees    change by saving trees and by removing   built state, generating more power than it
                     LIGHTING: 100 percent LED          carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and   consumes.
                     PAINTS AND STAINS: Sherwin-Williams   bamboo stores C02 faster than other trees,   Meanwhile, the bungalow’s owner says
                     Harmony Interior Acrylic Latex Paint (zero VOC   thanks to its fast growth rate.   she felt personally inspired to add to
                     formula), Cetol 23 Plus RE Wood Finish  The  prefabricated  bamboo  elements   the bamboo’s beauty by including other
                     PLUMBING PLUMBING FIXTURES: Flojet 24-V   include steel connectors at the joints, that   natural materials such as mango and koa
                     DC with 2.1-gal pressure tank, American   are secured on site with a system of through-  hardwoods for the kitchen countertops;
                     Standard stainless steel double-basin kitchen
                     sink, Moen Adler Shower Faucet, Style   bolts. With this structural system, Bamboo   choosing paint, tiles and a stained concrete
                     Selections single sink vanity      Living buildings have withstood multiple   floor with earthy hues; and displaying
                     RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS  SOLAR, WIND,   hurricanes with winds up to 185 mph.   nature-centric  art.  She  adds  that  she
                     ETC. : 6-kWh Blue Ion lithium iron phosphate   Nicknamed  “The  Tiny  Bamboo   treasures the calm, tranquil space, and that
                     off-grid energy storage; 8 SolarWorld 350-watt   Bungalow,” the structure was built with   the artisan-quality bamboo joinery “makes
                     photovoltaic panels                a flying gable roofline, a high ceiling   [me] feel like [I’m] living inside a handmade
                     ROOF: HPM corrugated metal roofing  with  exposed  bamboo  trusses,  and  a   piece of furniture.”
                     SPECIALTY PRODUCTS: Handmade copper rain   lanai with bamboo poles and pickets that   Sands believes bamboo could one day
                     STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS: Structural   blended into the outdoors. The bamboo   be the thing that takes the state of Hawaii
                     bamboo scissor trusses, bamboo cross-brace   components  of  the  structure,  which   carbon neutral. The plant’s fast growth, he
                     shear wall panels, bamboo porch system with   include the wall panels, roof structure and   says, would easily make for a constant, easily
                     structural columns and beams       porch elements, were produced at Bamboo   accessed building material. GB
                     VENTILATION: Screened windows at roof peaks   Living’s factory in Vietnam. After being
                     for natural ventilation            shipped to Hawaii, a construction crew of
                     WATER HEATING: Takagi 140,000 BTU Propane   six assembled the bamboo home package   Project Stats
                     Tankless Water Heater (T-KJr2-OS-P)  in just one day.
                     WATER MANAGEMENT  INDOOR OUTDOOR :   The Tiny Bamboo Bungalow operates     NAME: Tiny Bamboo Bungalow, Kea’au, Hawaii
                     Rainwater catchment system (6,500 gal)                                     ARCHITECT DESIGNER: Bamboo Living
                     WINDOWS, SKYLIGHTS, PATIO DOORS: Ply Gem   completely o’-grid. A 6,500-gallon rainwater   BUILDER: Bamboo Living
                     windows and sliding glass door     catchment tank stores and supplies the   PHOTOGRAPHER: Andrew Richard Hara
                                                        water. Eight photovoltaic panels capture the

                                                          January/February 2019 GREEN BUILDER  57

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