Page 4 - The Homeowner's Handbook 2017
P. 4


                                                                                                            By Matt Power
                   The Inside Scoop                                                                         Editor-in-Chief

                   Back to Basics

                   Don’t let fear make you hasty. Address the fundamentals,

                   and your home will feel like the safe haven it should be.

                            HERE’S A CRACKLING TENSION                                      provide most of its own power, and not look
                            IN THE AIR? Can you feel it? Part                               like an alien spaceship.
                            of it, of course, is the the chaotic                             What I’m talking about is good building
                            state the world’s climate: from                                 science. The aspects of our homes that most
                   T superstorms  to  uncontrollable                                        affect our future selves happen in the planning
                   wildfires. On top of these shudders from the                             and construction phase. That’s why I created a
                   planet is the often racist, childish and violent                         diagram called “The Green Building Pyramid”
                   rhetoric from our political leaders. It’s no                             about 8 years ago. Since then, the pyramid has
                   wonder that more people are circling the                                 been copied and changed slightly and repub-
                   wagons, “fortressing” their homes with security                          lished by many different publications (usually
                   systems, surveillance cameras and generators.                            without credit to the original author).
                     We don’t have to make choices about our                                 The premise of the Pyramid is simple.
                   homes from a place of fear. If we slow down                              Focus on the lowest cost/big impact aspects of
                   a little, take a deep breath, and look at how we                         construction first. These include WHERE you
                   live from the ground up, creating a safe, low-                           build your home, SITING it in relation to the
                   energy, durable home seems far less daunting.                            sun, and SIZE of the floorplan. Next, move up
                   We can’t prevent the Yellowstone volcano from exploding and wip-  the pyramid, building a durable, super-efficient shell, one step at a
                   ing out life on Earth, but we can create a home that you can practi-  time. Use the best wall system for your region, the right windows,
                   cally heat with a candle, that will stand up to the next hurricane,   the most durable siding, and so on.
                                                                                                   When I first created the Pyramid,
                                                                                                 wifi smart home systems were still a
                        REVISED FOR 2017
                                                                                                 luxury amenity. That’s something that
                        Green Building Pyramid ®  KEY: Di‚  culty/Knowledge   COMPLETION  Renewable energy such as solar panels or wind turbines can
                                               required for implementation.
                                               Note that some of the easiest
                                               changes have the greatest    now handle your home’s demand, and may even charge your car.   has changed rapidly. So I’ve added
                                                                            Prices are lower than ever.
                                               green impact.
                                                                                                 suggestions of when and where to
                         Fine tune your home’s performance with connected devices, including smart
                         locks, smart thermostats, occupancy, air quality and leak sensors—and many more   POWER UP  LED lighting lasts longer and produces light up to 10X more
                         from the Internet of Things (IoT).                 e‚  ciently than incandescent or halogen lamps. Save about 10%
                                                                            on energy bills by switching to this technology.  introduce these bells and whistles
                                                            ADD SMART CONTROLS  To maximize water savings, install low-fl ow
                            Emphasize to your contractor that you want to create even more energy   showerheads and faucets, dual-fl ush toilets with bidet   into the building process. The prem-
                         than your home uses. Make sure your tight home includes su‚  cient ventilation,
                         plus easy ways to monitor and tweak energy and water use.  seats and graywater with smart irrigation controls for
                                                                                                 ise is still the same. Electronics and
                                                                              any exterior irrigation.
                                                            PUSH FOR NETZEROPLUS
                            Read the label carefully when choosing paints, stains and caulking.   Durability is a green characteristic. On the roof, opt   other sensitive technology such as
                         Choose brands with zero or very low levels of volatile organic compounds   SPECIFY SUSTAINABILITY HARVESTED/MINED MATERIALS  for metal, clay tile, recycled rubber or extended-life
                         (VOCs) to protect your indoor air quality.            (recyclable) asphalt roofi ng. Side with fi ber cement,
                                                                               cedar, brick veneer or other long-lived products. Build
                                                          OPT FOR              decks and patios with recycled plastic composites or
                                                           LOW or                               solar panels and inverters become
                                                           NOVOC              long-lasting wood species.

                                                           PAINTS  SWITCH TO LED LIGHTING
                         At a minimum, windows in a new home should include insulated low-E   Look for formaldehyde-free wood fl oors, natural   vastly more effective if they rest on
                         glazings. Look for durable window frames made with materials that are   carpet fi bers, tile or other low-toxicity materials.
                         renewable or recyclable, and seal and fl ash them meticulously.  Choose countertops with high recycled content.
                                                   OPTIMIZE WATER                                the sturdy base of other choices along
                                                   OPTIMIZE WATER
                         Uninsulated concrete foundations can reduce heating e‚  ciency by   HEATING  SELECT RATED APPLIANCES  LOWER H20 FLOW
                         30%–50%. Cover concrete with rigid or spray-on foam insulation—or   SPECIFY HIGHEST RECYCLED CONTENT MATERIALS  Consider alternatives to wood
                         build foundation walls with insulating concrete forms (ICFs). Consider a   framing such as Insulating concrete   the building path. Build it right, with
                         frost-protected shallow foundation or slab-on-grade construction.
                                                                                   forms, structural insulated panels, or
                                                                                   light straw. Each has strength and
                                                                                   resilience for certain geographic regions.  performance and self-sufficiency in
                         For wood-framed walls and ceilings, air infi ltration is a major   UPGRADE WINDOWS  OPTIMIZE HVAC  OPT FOR DURABILITY  SPECIFY GREEN SURFACES
                                                                          SPECIFY GREEN SURFACES
                         concern. Consider an insulation package that seals walls tightly.
                         A combination of house wrap with a tight insulator such as spray foam   Carefully cover gaps
                         is one option. If using fi berglass or cellulose, specify.     around windows,   mind, then add smart thermostats,
                                                                                       doors and pipes with
                                                                                       caulking or adhesive
                                                          UPGRADE SHELL
                                             INSULATE FOUNDATION    THINK BEYOND WOOD  SEAL OPENINGS  fl ashing. Tape all   smart locks, and every security system
                         Well-designed site plans take advantage   INSULATION          seams in house wrap.
                         of free solar light and energy, and minimize   SPECIFY RE-USED/SALVAGED MATERIALS  Make it tight.
                         damage to existing plants and habitats.
                                                                                                 you want. Build as small as you can
                                            SITING        LOCATION  EDUCATION    HOUSE SIZE      manage, and spend less time manag-
                                 PLANNING PHASE
                                                                                     Doubling a home’s size triples
                         Shorten commutes and build close to public transit. Include bike storage and Install an   If you don’t understand basic green principles, you’re   its annual energy use for the life   ing, more time living, resilient in the
                         electric charging station. Anticipate risks from fl oods, wildfi re or storms.  likely to make decisions you later regret. Reading the   of the home. Think small and
                                                                  Homeowner’s Handbook is a great primer for building it right.  clever, not big and boxy.
                                                                                                 face of anything the world throws at
                   Priorities. By working from the ground up, you can arrive at the safe, durable home of your dreams.  you over the coming years. GB
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