Page 26 - Microsoft Word - Bahan Ajar Audio Book Berbasis Hyperlink
P. 26
2.Language Focus
Posters are a powerful tool for communication. They often use short, clear messages
combined with visuals (images, colors, and symbols) to grab attention and convey important
ideas. To create an e ective poster, we need to pay attention to both the language and the
Structure of Poster
Part Description
Headline should grab the reader's attention and
clearly express the main message.
Example: Save Our Oceans!
Facts and Information usually include brief information or facts that
support the main message. These should be
short, easy to understand, and direct.
Example: Plastic kills marine animals every
Visuals often use pictures or symbols to make the
message more engaging and easier to
Table 2. Structure of Poster
Poster use Imperatives (Commands: action verb) to tell people what to do and simple
sentence. Example: Reduce plastic waste; Say NO to plastic! You still remember action verbs,
don’t you?
Latihan 7
Now, let's practice creating a poster using the language focus you’ve learned. Use the following
1. Write a headline that grabs attention.
2. Add a short message about protecting the environment.
3. Include relevant visual to make it interesting.