Page 20 - Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8
P. 20

Section 4. Writing

                        In this section you will learn how to write a post that encouraging people to take action. Study
                        the following post on social media.

                                             Plas cs are everywhere. This is
                                             emergency. Save our ocean.
                                             #saynotoplas c

                                           Gambar 2.3 Postingan Chategorize Action

                            1.  Do you have a social media account?

                            2.  What do you usually post there?
                            3.  Do you share your idea there?

                        Social media is a powerful tool for sharing messages and encouraging others to take action. In
                        this lesson, you will learn how to write a post that encourages people to protect the ocean from

                        pollution and plastic waste. By writing a good post, you can raise awareness and inspire others

                        to join you in making a di erence.

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