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P. 4


                  Project name                 Educational media website course presentation program

                  Researchers name             Miss.Panrapee Tosantad

                                               Miss.Suchawinee Tianhom

                  Field of study               Digital Business Technology

                  Field of work                Digital Business

                  Year Education               2022


                         The organizing team has thought of doing this project to create teaching materials

                  for the course presentation program. The purpose of this project is to get more people

                  interested in using Microsoft Power Point to spread it widely. Interested persons can come

                  and  study  through  our  website.  Will  present  many  things  about  making  slides  to  be

                  beautiful. and know the steps of good slide designs and much more about our website.
                  Our  teaching  materials  project  has  been  developed from  several  web  prototypes.  by

                  presenting information to make it more interesting and wanting to learn more There will

                  be  presented  steps  about  Microsoft  Power  Point,  such  as  the  main  components  of

                  Microsoft Power Point, meaning, importance and benefits, and using images to decorate

                  the website to look more beautiful. This project is useful to others who visit. Our teaching
                  materials  website  for  this  reason,  we  created  this  teaching  materials  to  disseminate

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