Page 8 - Test 1
P. 8
I produced 4 matrices from which I extracted 11 prints in total (two to three per matrix), exploring various techniques.
Matrix 1
Print 001-a
Print 001-b
Print 001-c
Cold pressed watercolour paper
Wet-on dry + soak
Cold pressed watercolour paper
Wet-on-dry + soak
Cold pressed watercolour paper
- I applied the pain thickly on the matrix and could extra three strong prints.
- I used masking tape for print 001. When I removed the tape, the associated slice of the image was printed on the tape; I
applied this tape against the print to ‘complete’ the print. I however did not take into account the fact that the section
would be reversed.
- As previously, the section underneath the tape appeared more clearly on the second print.