Page 14 - 2021 SPCE Program Final Final Final
P. 14

Salon D – D. Heath Woolman – Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
               Digital Engagement: Advancing the Academic Communities of Engagement Framework Through
               Cohort Educational Programs
               Cohort Educational Programs (CEPs) have the potential to serve a new generation of blended and online students.
               By recognizing that students must be supported through both personal and course communities, as indicated in
               the Academic Communities of Engagement Framework (Borup et al, 2020), CEPs have the potential of blending
               these environments through a collaborative community that transcends the classroom and strengthens the
               support structures necessary for academic success.

               Salon G – Deedy Gonzales – Dallas Theological Seminary
               Train Up a Parent in the Way They Should Go
               Training up a parent in the way they should go requires many factors but family background is one of the largest
               contributions which will be looked at briefly through the lens of child psychological theories, parenting styles, and
               a biblical parenting educational model.

               Salon H – Bryan Barrineau – Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
               Barriers and Benefits for Learning Disabled Students in Digital Learning Environments
               All students are created in the imago Dei, even those with learning disabilities. It is a reality of the modern
               educational landscape that learning disabled students will be present in classrooms, including in Christian colleges
               and seminaries. Institutions of Christian higher education should educate and minister effectively to students with
               learning disabilities. Students with learning disabilities have often struggle to transition from high school into a
               higher education paradigm filled with online and flex-access classes, finding multiple barriers to effective learning.
               However, despite these barriers, there are distinct benefits for learning disabled students engaged in digital
               Salon I – Drew Anderson – The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
               Discipleship Principles for Educating Pre-College Generation Z Adolescents
               The propensity toward facile Christianity among Generation Z is no different than previous generations. However,
               with the onset of the smart phone, the playing field has changed. In response, this paper explores a foundational
               discipleship model for the local church based upon the life and work of Jesus Christ. Next, we examine a vision for
               parents uniquely positioned to disciple Generation Z adolescents with a thoroughgoing epistemological worldview
               development and a Christocentric well-differentiated leadership model before they enter college and adulthood.

                Salon J – Haeyoung Joo – Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
               Effects of Catechetical Teaching Methods on Knowledge, Understanding, and Attitude Toward
               This study, targeting elementary children from second to fifth grades, defines catechesis as the instruction in
               essential doctrines through memorization to build the foundation of Christian faith in elementary children.
               Through two treatment groups of elementary Korean children, this study measured the level of knowledge (recall),
               understanding (ability to explain) and attitude toward learning specified Bible doctrines. On the basis of these
               children, it was found that catechetical methods improved both knowledge (recall) and understanding (meaning)
               of biblical doctrines. These improvements in knowledge and understanding from the application of catechetical
               methods did not impair their attitude toward learning.

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