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    Conformity  Assessment  Programmes  provide  assurance  for  consumers,  brands

    and  companies  that  products  comply  with  the  importing  countries  regulatory
    standards.  Unsafe  and  unreliable  products  can  be  damaging  to  consumers’
    health or to property as well as there being costs associated with product recalls,

    compensation claims and the damage to a brand's reputation.

    To  successfully  clear  customs  in  countries  where  a  CAP  has  been  implemented,
    companies trading with these countries need to conform to the requirements of
    these  programmes.  Failure  to  do  so  can  result  in  severe  delays  in  goods

    clearance, penalties or even shipments being returned.
    Certification  provided  by  Intertek  helps  you  to  ensure  that  importer  countries

    standards are met achieving smooth customs clearance and assure consumers of
    the  quality  and  safety  of  imported  goods.  Intertek  has  the  expertise  having

    carried  out  more  conformity  assessments  for  longer  than  any  other  accredited
    organisation  and  has  issued  over  2  million  certificates  and  test  reports  globally.

    Total Quality Assurance.
    Intertek Export and Import related programmes in operation include:
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