Page 7 - 2021.1221.The Passionate Plotter Guidebook Four.Marketing Matters
P. 7
Diana Kathryn Plopa
judged by others. Because they don’t know.
They don’t know you, and they don’t know how
you came to this onslaught of creativity. You are
not an imposter pretending to be J.K. Rowling,
Stephen King, or Nora Roberts. This is you… your
world, your characters, your story. So read with
Now that I’ve reminded you about the true
nature of reading aloud… I do have a few
suggestions that might make a reading event go
smoother. Because after all, we still get anxious
sometimes, even when we’re just being us. Think
back to “cocktail” parties, pre-COVID, and you
may recall what that sense of nervousness was
like. It was easier then. You weren’t sharing
intimate stuff that dripped with so much angst
from pseudo scars during times you’d rather not
discuss. You were just trying to meet new people
and say, “Hi”. Now, you have to make
introductions and create ambiance, all while
being completely vulnerable. I get it. It can be
nerve wracking. But it doesn’t have to be.
So, let’s start at the beginning…
Dress in a way that is most comfortable for
you. Okay, maybe not your favorite flannel
jammies and your fluffy duck
slippers, but wear clothes
that don’t make you fidget.
If you’re worried about how
you look, you’ll be even more
worried about how you