Page 14 - Indie Reads Catalogue 2021 Sept
P. 14

Andrew Allen Smith

                                                               Two teens out having fun
                                                         accidentally start a complex series
                                                            of events in Indianapolis, IN. A

                                                             secret group of assassins that
                                                         delve out their own unique form of
                                                             justice force an old friend of
                                                         General Samuel Tarkington's team
                                                          to call for help. Alex, Jim and the
                                                           team are instantly thrown into a
                                                           skirmish they did not start. When
                                                              Michael Masterson and his

                                                         beautiful girlfriend Abby appear in
                                                          the same hotel the team realizes
                                                           they could use a little help from
                                                           someone who knows the darker
                                                           parts of the city, and the world.
                                                             With the lives of many in the
                                                         balance, Michael's skills are put to
                                                         the test against an army to help a
                                                                       Fateful Friend.
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