Page 28 - LBO Spring '21 Catalog PM
P. 28

YOUTH HATS Wholesale $10.00   Retail $20.00

         LOCAL BOY TRUCKER          LOCAL BOY TRUCKER           LOCAL BOY SNAPBACK                 LOCAL BOY
                LBYH-1                     LBYH-1                       LBHB-1                OLD SCHOOL CAMO
                  Red                        Blue                   Navy-Red/White                  LBOSCH-1


                                 LBCC-1     Wholesale $3.00
                                            Retail $6.00         Wholesale $2.00
                                                                      Retail $4.00
                                 LBCB-1                                                     LBKB-1           LBKC-1

       Not all of these topics will apply to
       Not all of these topics will apply to
       your order
       your order, but be advised:
         , but be advised:
       All text smaller than 10pt may not
       All text smaller than 10pt may not
       print legibly
       print legibly. .
       W We can not guarantee anything
       e can not guarantee anything
       outside of the suggested imprint
       outside of the suggested imprint
       areas due to product shift.
       areas due to product shift.
       W We do not offer color matching for
       e do not of
         fer color matching for
       images that are not vector.
       images that are not vector .
       If color matching is needed, please
       If color matching is needed, please
       notate the requested PMS colors.
       notate the requested PMS colors.
       The sublimation process produces a
       The sublimation process produces a
       very high-quality version of your
       very high-quality version of your
       print, however exact PMS matching
       print, however exact PMS matching
           e will make
       cannot be guaranteed. W
       cannot be guaranteed. We will make
       every ef
       every effort to match colors with a
        fort to match colors with a
       close color tone value.
       close color tone value.
       If color matches are crucial for new
       If color matches are crucial for new
       or repeat orders, please request
       or repeat orders, please request
       pre-production prints. (charges may
       pre-production prints. (charges may
       apply). Colors can and may vary
       apply). Colors can and may vary
       slightly on exact repeats.
       slightly on exact repeats.
       APPROV ALS:
       e request your signature approving
       We request your signature approving
       the art. Your signature indicates that
       the art.  Y our signature indicates that
       you have inspected the layout and
       you have inspected the layout and
       design including SPELLING and
       design including SPELLING and
         TION. Please return
       PUNCTUATION. Please return
       within 24 hours to keep the
       within 24 hours to keep the
                       AL SIZE
                PRINT COLORS:
       scheduled ship date. Otherwise, we
       scheduled ship date. Otherwise, we   ACTUAL SIZE
       request 10 days for production upon
       request 10 days for production upon   PRINT COLORS:  X X
       receipt of approval.
                Pantone colors are approximate
       receipt of approval.  Pantone colors are approximate  X X  PLEASE APPROVE BY:   :
                                          APPROVE BY
                unless otherwise noted.
                unless otherwise noted.
       FAX: (573) 624-6120  1” 1”  X X   0-0-17
       AX: (573) 624-6120
       US POL Y  (800) 274-1579
       US POLY (800) 274-1579
       EMAIL:  X X
                  Bleed area
                  Bleed area  CUT CUTOUTS OUTS
                  Product Size
                  Product Size   (WILL (WILL NOT PRINT)
                           GENERAL WARNINGS:
                           Not all of these topics will apply to
        Not all of these topics will apply to
        Not all of these topics will apply to   Not all of these topics will apply to
                            , but be advised:
        your order
        your order, but be advised:  your order your order, but be advised:
         , but be advised:
        All text smaller than 10pt may not   All text smaller than 10pt may not
        All text smaller than 10pt may not
                           All text smaller than 10pt may not
        print legibly .    print legibly. .
                           print legibly
        print legibly.
        e can not guarantee anything
                           e can not guarantee anything
        W We can not guarantee anything   We can not guarantee anything
        outside of the suggested imprint   outside of the suggested imprint
        outside of the suggested imprint
                           outside of the suggested imprint
                           areas due to product shift.
        areas due to product shift.
        areas due to product shift.  areas due to product shift.
                           COLOR SUGGESTIONS:
        e do not of
                            fer color matching for
                           e do not of
        We do not offer color matching for   W We do not offer color matching for
         fer color matching for
                           images that are not vector.
        images that are not vector
        images that are not vector. .  images that are not vector .
        If color matching is needed, please
        If color matching is needed, please   If color matching is needed, please
                           If color matching is needed, please
        notate the requested PMS colors.
        notate the requested PMS colors.  notate the requested PMS colors.
                           notate the requested PMS colors.
                           The sublimation process produces a
        The sublimation process produces a
        The sublimation process produces a   The sublimation process produces a
                           very high-quality version of your
        very high-quality version of your   very high-quality version of your
        very high-quality version of your
                           print, however exact PMS matching
        print, however exact PMS matching
        print, however exact PMS matching   print, however exact PMS matching
        cannot be guaranteed. We will make  e will make   cannot be guaranteed. W e will make
        cannot be guaranteed. W
                           cannot be guaranteed. We will make
         fort to match colors with a
                            fort to match colors with a
        every ef every effort to match colors with a   every ef every effort to match colors with a
        close color tone value.
        close color tone value.  close color tone value.
                           close color tone value.
        If color matches are crucial for new
                           If color matches are crucial for new
        If color matches are crucial for new   If color matches are crucial for new
                           or repeat orders, please request
        or repeat orders, please request   or repeat orders, please request
        or repeat orders, please request
        pre-production prints. (charges may
        pre-production prints. (charges may   pre-production prints. (charges may
                           pre-production prints. (charges may
        apply). Colors can and may vary
        apply). Colors can and may vary   apply). Colors can and may vary
                           apply). Colors can and may vary
        slightly on exact repeats.  slightly on exact repeats.
        slightly on exact repeats.
                           slightly on exact repeats.
        W We request your signature approving   We request your signature approving
                           e request your signature approving
        e request your signature approving
         our signature indicates that
                            our signature indicates that
        the art.
        the art. Your signature indicates that   the art.  the art. Your signature indicates that
                           you have inspected the layout and
        you have inspected the layout and
        you have inspected the layout and   you have inspected the layout and
                           design including SPELLING and
        design including SPELLING and
        design including SPELLING and   design including SPELLING and
                            TION. Please return
        PUNCTUATION. Please return   PUNCTUATION. Please return
         TION. Please return
                           within 24 hours to keep the
        within 24 hours to keep the
        within 24 hours to keep the   within 24 hours to keep the
                                PRINT COLORS:
                           scheduled ship date. Otherwise, we
                                    AL SIZE
                 AL SIZE
        scheduled ship date. Otherwise, we   scheduled ship date. Otherwise, we
        scheduled ship date. Otherwise, we
             PRINT COLORS:
                           request 10 days for production upon
        request 10 days for production upon
        request 10 days for production upon   PRINT COLORS:  A ACTUAL SIZE  X X  request 10 days for production upon   PRINT COLORS:  A ACTUAL SIZE  X X
                           receipt of approval.
                           receipt of approval.
        receipt of approval.  Pantone colors are approximate  X X  PLEASE  PLEASE APPROVE BY:   :    Pantone colors are approximate  X X  PLEASE APPROVE BY:   :
        receipt of approval.
             unless otherwise noted.
             Pantone colors are approximate
                                              APPROVE BY
             unless otherwise noted.
                           APPROVE BY
                                Pantone colors are approximate
                                unless otherwise noted.
                                unless otherwise noted.
        AX: (573) 624-6120
                           AX: (573) 624-6120
        F FAX: (573) 624-6120  1” 1”  X X  FAX: (573) 624-6120  1” 1”  X X
        US POL US POLY (800) 274-1579  0-0-17 US POL US POLY (800) 274-1579  0-0-17
                             (800) 274-1579
          (800) 274-1579
        EMAIL:  X X  EMAIL:  X X
              Bleed area Bleed area  CUT CUTOUTS OUTS  Bleed area Bleed area  CUTOUTS CUT OUTS
              Product Size  Product Size   (WILL (WILL NOT PRINT)  PRINT)  Product Size  Product Size   (WILL NOT PRINT)  PRINT)
                 Not all of these topics will apply to
                 Not all of these topics will apply to
                 your order
                 your order, but be advised:
                  , but be advised:
                 All text smaller than 10pt may not
                 All text smaller than 10pt may not
                 print legibly. print legibly .
                 e can not guarantee anything
                 W We can not guarantee anything
                 outside of the suggested imprint
                 outside of the suggested imprint
                 areas due to product shift.
                 areas due to product shift.
                 COLOR SUGGESTIONS:
                 COLOR SUGGESTIONS:
                 W We do not offer color matching for
                  fer color matching for
                 e do not of
                 images that are not vector.
                 images that are not vector .
                 If color matching is needed, please
                 If color matching is needed, please
                 notate the requested PMS colors.
                 notate the requested PMS colors.
                 The sublimation process produces a
                 The sublimation process produces a
                 very high-quality version of your
                 very high-quality version of your
                 print, however exact PMS matching
                 print, however exact PMS matching
                 cannot be guaranteed. We will make
                 cannot be guaranteed. W e will make
                  fort to match colors with a
                 every ef
                 every effort to match colors with a
                 close color tone value.
                 close color tone value.
                 If color matches are crucial for new
                 If color matches are crucial for new
                 or repeat orders, please request
                 or repeat orders, please request
                 pre-production prints. (charges may
                 pre-production prints. (charges may
                 apply). Colors can and may vary
                 apply). Colors can and may vary
                 slightly on exact repeats.
                 slightly on exact repeats.
                 APPROV APPROVALS: ALS:
                 W We request your signature approving
                 e request your signature approving
                 the art. Your signature indicates that
                 the art.
                  our signature indicates that
                 you have inspected the layout and
                 you have inspected the layout and
                 design including SPELLING and
                 design including SPELLING and
                  TION. Please return
                 PUNCTUA PUNCTUATION. Please return
                 within 24 hours to keep the
                 within 24 hours to keep the
                 scheduled ship date. Otherwise, we
                 scheduled ship date. Otherwise, we
                      PRINT COLORS:
                          AL SIZE
                 request 10 days for production upon
                 request 10 days for production upon   PRINT COLORS:  A ACTUAL SIZE  X X
                      Pantone colors are approximate
                 receipt of approval.
                 receipt of approval.  Pantone colors are approximate  X X  PLEASE  PLEASE APPROVE BY:   :
                                    APPROVE BY
                      unless otherwise noted.
                      unless otherwise noted.
                 AX: (573) 624-6120  1” 1”  X X
                 FAX: (573) 624-6120
                 US POL US POLY (800) 274-1579  0-0-17
                   (800) 274-1579
                 EMAIL:  CUT CUTOUTS OUTS  X X
                       Bleed area Bleed area
                       Product Size
                       Product Size   (WILL (WILL NOT PRINT)  NOT  PRINT)
        License Plates Wholesale $10.00   Retail $20.00
   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30