Page 5 - FINAL San Diego Woman interactive
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ture to be lived to its fullest. Grow-
ing up in New Jersey, she learned
life skills to help her practice that
credo. Her passion for travel has
taken her to many parts of the
world. She is now focusing on writ-
ing about her travels and interview-
ing entertainers, which is a great
Robert Tussey Maggie Ramos combo!
Robert has been a published writer Maggie Ramos is a student at
for over thirty years and has been MiraCosta College and is artisti-
providing editing services for the cally multi talented. She is a great
past twenty-five. As a musician, he writer, painter and a skilled pho-
has written scores of songs. His life tographer, thanks to several recent
has revolved around his music and courses. She puts her soul and
writing, often melding the two into heart in every piece she creates.
articles and interviews. Her art and writing pieces tend
to be very emotional. Maggie cre- Toni Kraft
ates art based on self experienc- Born in a family that had its pas-
es and from experiences of those sion cooking from Earth’s Table
around her. she was weaned on herbs, grains
and essential oils. She is current-
ly the owner of North County San
Diego’s own Elements Cafe with
her husband Rick. Toni is also
Carol Heath a certified CHOPRA educated
Carol is a Certified Clinical Master/ Ayurvedic lifestyles teacher as well
Teacher; she is certified in a myriad as a trained Healing Touch prac-
of alternative modalities including titioner. Toni can be reached at:
Color and Sound therapy, Chakra Dawn Nicoli
therapy, Reflexology, Cranial and For over 20 years Dawn has owned
Lomi lomi massage and developed and operated Nicoli Productions,
her own hands on healing method. an environmental portrait studio,
run out of her two-acre property in
Escondido. Starting a new chapter
of her life, when serenity has be-
come so important, Dawn spends
her time in her palapa tree house
with her dog, Karma. exploring the
world of writing. Nini Hodge
Head Writer San Diego Kids
Gerald Neff Natalia (Nini) Hodge, an avid
With more than 40 years living and equestrian, has won more honors
working in South America in the than many win in lifelong careers.
agriculture and forestry business. Nini competes at all levels of horse
topped off with 25 years in the U.S. shows local and out of state. She
Embassy and Peace Corps. His has made quite a name for herself
writing experience includes local over the last 4 years appearing in
publications and years of U.S. Em- Debbie Storms various magazines and news ar-
bassy reports; so sit back and enjoy Debbie has enjoyed many careers ticles and even on television. Her
the ride. Gerald Neff can be con- from accountant to air traffic con- latest undertaking is as Head Writ-
tacted at 760 796 4877. troller. She believes life is an adven- er for our San Diego Kids Section.