Page 26 - Holly Carney Issue (3)
P. 26

Bitchin’ & Moaning

                                          Summertime in San Diego
                                                                                       By Judith A. Habert

        Summer is upon us and we have those lazy days to look    from home to Jones beach.  We would circle the parking
        forward to.  As a transplant from New York, I often marvel   lot for 40 minutes trying to find a parking spot which would
        at the strict adherence to "seasons" when it is often beau-  inevitably be 2.3 miles from the beach entrance.  We
        tiful enough to sun bathe in December.  Yet, the beach   would unpack the car and lug all of the beach stuff with
        and pool parking lots are virtually empty once the sum-  us to the perfect patch of sand. Of course the sand would
        mer months have passed.  This is a concept foreign to a   be 127 degrees so it would be a brisk skip to the final
        former New Yorker who valued every precious day of our   sunbathing spot.  Then we would put everything in place.
        skimpy 2 months of good                                                                 Open the umbrella,
        weather.                                                                                spread out the blankets,
                                                                                                and sit down. Then one
        I can remember the pro-                                                                 of us, usually me, would
        cess of getting ready for                                                               let Mom know that
        our one of two summer                                                                   we needed to use the
        trips to the beach.  Yes,                                                               restroom. And we would
        in those days, growing                                                                  begin the ascent back
        up in Queens meant                                                                      to the boardwalk and
        heat filled summers with                                                                the facilities.  When we
        the corner fire hydrant                                                                 returned to the blanket
        serving as our only cool-                                                               it would be my brother’s
        ing device. When word                                                                   turn and off Dad would
        came from Mom that                                                                      trek with him on a simi-
        Dad had a Sunday off                                                                    lar path.  When we had
    26  from his job as a city bus                                                              all settled in my brother
        driver, the excitement
                                                                                                and I would run for the
        began.  We would gather                                                                 water…Mom warning to
        up the cooler filled with a                                                             not go in to deep or the
        large thermos full of lem-                                                              undertow would drown
        onade, pepper and egg                                                                   us.  We would play for
        sandwiches (the official                                                                awhile and then it was
        Italian beach sandwich),                                                                time for lunch.  Out we
        fresh fruit, and a myriad                                                               would go to the blan-
        of snack foods. Then we                                                                 ket and indulge in our
        would have the towels,                                                                  lunch.  Then we had to
        beach chairs, Frisbee                                                                   sit around and look at
        and beach ball, umbrel-                                                                 each other for an hour,
        las, change of clothes,                                                                 since we were never al-
        radio, and a hernia,                                                                    lowed to go back in the
        which generally accompanied the carrying of all of the   water because we would cramp up and drown if we didn’t
        beach paraphernalia.                                     allow an hour for the food to digest.  After more swimming
                                                                 and sand castle building we would go to the boardwalk,
        Off we would go, all smiles in anticipation of this semian-  get changed and go to the special show at the Jones
        nual beach experience.  Well, the smiles actually only   Beach Amphitheater.  I remember seeing The Sound of
        lasted until we got in the car.  My brother and I were in   Music, and it was magical.
        the back seat of our medium sized family car with all of
        the above mentioned paraphernalia.  Unlike typical car   Those summer days were great. The lugging of beach
        rides, my brother and I would not be bickering during this   stuff, the long walk, the unbearably hot car ride there and
        trip - basically because we couldn't see each other over   back, but still it was the highlight of our summer.  I guess
        all of the stuff packed into the back seat.  Since it was   this is why I don’t understand the limitations of our sum-
        New York and typically 98 degrees with high humidity, and  mer season here.  But who am I to complain, because
        of course no air conditioning in the car, we wouldn't have   come December there I will be sitting on the beach with
        had the energy to fight anyway.                          my pepper and egg sandwich enjoying every off- season
        It would take two hours in the Sunday traffic to make it   ray of sun.
                                                     July/August 2008
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