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Women of Distinction

        wanted to leverage my deep   at the Chopra Center. You can   left the tech world to deal with   and hemp. The year was 2016, and
        understanding of the analytics   imagine which route she selected!   massive trauma in our lives. But   Pelin hadn’t yet heard about the
        market as well as my ability to ex-  Looking back, the rapid improve-  that break also gave me the time to   now wildly popular supplement.
        ecute on a winning go-to-market   ments in her wellbeing and quality   really reflect on what I wanted to   “Andy told us that CBD was
        strategy. I hit the ground running   of life upon adopting the recom-  do going forward. And one thing   delivering absolutely remarkable
        by bringing on a highly experi-  mendations of the Chopra Center   that came through loud and clear   improvements for his son Max,
        enced senior management team   MDs would serve as a key turning   was that I had spent my career ex-  who was born with cerebral palsy
        and positioning the company as   point in Pelin’s life and career.   celling around the “how” aspect of   and started to tell us about its
        a leader in the emerging market-  The health issues in Pelin’s   what I did: how I took care of my   anxiolytic and anti-inflammatory
        ing analytics space. As CEO of a   family escalated when her hus-  customers, my shareholders, my   benefits. Given the tremendous
        start-up, you end up being a chief   band Scott, who is the co-founder   employees, how I lead companies,   pain Scott was experiencing
        everything officer, spanning sales,   and CEO of Nanovision, nearly   how I engaged with people. But if   due to his open-heart surgeries
        marketing, finance, R&D and cus-  died of a massive aortic rupture   I were honest with myself, I didn’t   and the issues with the plethora
        tomer support. I was grateful to                                                  of prescribed pain medication,
        have the respect of the engineers                                                 we thought we’d try some CBD
        and often sat down with them to                                                   transdermal patches to see how
        discuss the business optimization                                                 they assisted with the pain…
        scenarios they were developing                                                    they appeared to really work,
        for various major clients. I also                                                 and I was intrigued. When Andy
        enjoyed spending time closing                                                     and I started asking our friends
        deals with major customers and                                                    and colleagues about CBD well
        then ensuring we could indeed                                                     before it was as popular as it is
        meet their specific requirements.”                                                today, we found out many were
        Anametrix received major                                                          already using CBD for a variety
        industry accolades, including for                                                 of conditions. Not just epilepsy,
        best business intelligence (BI)                                                   which I know many have now
        and big data solution, and was                                                    heard about, but really everything
        acquired by Silicon Valley firm                                                   from brain tumors to Parkinson’s
        Ensighten in 2014. For the next                                                   and Alzheimer’s, autism to sleep,
        18 months, Pelin led the technical                                                and everyday chronic pain. The
        and cultural integration between                                                  breadth of the potential benefits
        the two companies as well as the                                                  was honestly astounding to me!
        expanded corporate rebranding                                                        Just as interesting—especially
        and positioning as Ensighten’s                                                    given my analytics background—
        Chief Strategy Officer.                                                           was how a lot of others indicated
           While it’s clearly in Pelin’s   and dissection in 2015. “We ended   have a solid “why”, a purpose   that CBD did not benefit them.
        DNA to attract and embrace new   up having to airlift him to a San   that I was truly passionate about   They said, ‘Yeah, I tried CBD, I
        challenges, she felt the exhaustion   Diego hospital for what turned out   behind it all.”   heard about all the hype, and it
        as her new role involved even   to be an 11-hour lifesaving open   Stepping back from work to   doesn’t work for me at all.’ So, we
        longer hours with weekly trips to   heart surgery. Scott was in a coma   take a long, hard look at her life   wanted to get to the bottom of
        Silicon Valley. “I felt extremely   for days following the invasive   was an invigorating process for   how and why CBD may provide
        tired all the time, but assumed   procedure, and things were touch   Pelin. “I had spent years devel-  these diverse health benefits and
        it came with the territory of   and go for quite some time. Given   oping great software products   why it worked for some people
        balancing family with the rigors of   the extent of the damage to his   that drive significant productivity   and not for others. As we looked
        corporate life. However, this time   vascular system, he ended up hav-  gains for corporations big and   into the medical literature, we
        was different as I could barely   ing two more open heart surgeries   small. And, there’s certainly a ton   realized there was simply not a lot
        pull myself out of bed and was   before thankfully recovering fully.”   of value in that. But after going   of research from NIH [National
        losing my signature joie de vivre.   Watching the miracle of modern   through a life changing experience   Institutes for Health] or other
        After numerous consultations   medical technology unfold as   like we did, I realized that was no   sources primarily due to the
        with MDs and osteopaths, I was   doctors cooled her husband’s body   longer enough for me. It was time   Schedule 1 status of CBD and
        finally diagnosed with adrenal   and arrested blood flow entirely to   to really think about what my   cannabis.”
        fatigue, a condition where one’s   replace significant portions of his   next step would be and seek that   Based on what they saw, Pelin
        adrenal glands can’t keep up with   damaged thoracic aorta with syn-  perfect intersection of my skills   and Andy thought it was time to
        the tremendous amount of daily   thetic vessels was a transformative   and my passions.”  bring in private money and re-
        stress we experience. Adrenals are   experience for Pelin. Just as trans-  It’s that kind of deep   sources for much-needed research
        designed to produce hormones   formative was the realization that   self-re-evaluation that drove   funding and decided to co-found
        such as cortisol and adrenaline   the same medical technology was   Pelin’s desire to make a major   the Wholistic Research and Edu-
        to enable us to deal with short   woefully inadequate when it came   shift from her illustrious career in   cation Foundation. Their mission
        term “fight or flight” situations.   to addressing pain relief following   big data and analytics to natural   is to explore the health benefits
        However, with long-term stress,   these traumatic surgeries.   medicine. People say setting in-  of CBD-rich therapeutics with
        our adrenal glands burn out from   The break she took from her   tentions opens your eyes to things   clinical and scientific research
        prolonged production of the stress   tech career to focus on her family   you may have otherwise missed   and leverage this evidence-based
        hormone cortisol – and adrenal   during this health crisis, along   – and that certainly proved to be   data for education and advocacy.
        fatigue sets in.”          with key realizations about how   the case for Pelin as well. When   Their approach is what some call
           Her primary physician of over   she could make a difference in the   Pelin and Scott’s long-term friend   Venture Philanthropy, which is
        20 years told Pelin she can either   world of healthcare and wellness   Andy Noorda visited to check up   a model that goes far beyond
        start antidepressants, or given her   ended up serving as a launching   on Scott, he also introduced them   writing checks. They say they take
        preference for natural medicine,   point for another career for the   to CBD, a non-psychoactive com-  a deep, long-term view into what
        consult with the Ayurvedic MDs   ever entrepreneurial Pelin. “I   pound found in both marijuana   it means to invest in cutting-edge
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