Page 8 - Mega Bridal Issue
P. 8

Letters to theEditor

        I just started a small business and I really didn’t know how to get
        started catching up with technology.  Your cover story about
        Media4Women answered a lot of my questions.  Thanks for giving
        women such relevant topics.
        Alaina from San Diego
                                                                          What is that Funny Symbol?
        I love your “Ask Dr. Sudi” column.  So many of the subjects covered
        have been questions that I have been too embarrassed to ask my   San Diego Woman is keeping up with the latest
        own doctor.  I love it and it is one of the first columns I read in each   technology.  We now have our very own Quick
        issue.                                                         Response, or QR code.  This matrix barcode, first
        Carmen from Escondido                                          designed by the automotive industry, has now
                                                                       become the latest greatest way to allow readers to
        Reading Diane’s article about her fire loss brought back a lot of   quickly gain information about our publication, by
        memories of our similar loss.  It is true that we all need to move on.    sending them directly to our website.
        Unfortunately, we have to do so with some lost mementos, but we are   The QR code was created in 1994 by Denso, a sub-
        grateful to have escaped without injury.                       sidiary of Toyota, in order to keep track of vehicles
        Lucy from Rancho Bernardo                                      during the manufacturing process.  To use a QR
                                                                       code you must first download a QR scanning ap-
        Where can I get one of those beautiful bathing suits in your magazine.    plication for your smartphone.  Open the scanning
        I love them, and  was inspired by the designer’s story.  I know she has   app and use your phone’s camera to focus the
        a brilliant career ahead of her.                               code on your screen.  The application will recog-
        Leigh from Vista                                               nize the code and automatically open up the link,
                                                                       video or image in your phone's browser. You just
        Big Hair was hysterical.  What memories it brought back.  I miss my   need an Internet connection to access the content.
        big hair.  Maybe that is a trend that will come back some day.  So take a minute and focus on our QR code above
        Maryann from San Marcos                                        and you will find yourself visiting our popular web-
        I cannot explain the tears that slipped down my cheek as I read
 8      Ysabel’s story.  She is such an inspiration and after reading her story
        I feel the strength to conquer my recent cancer diagnosis.  If she
        could survive two bouts with cancer, so can I.  Thank you San Diego
        Woman for bringing this type of story to your readers.
        Annie from Del Mar
        I really enjoyed the article about what to have on your website.  I am
        redesigning my website now and I will follow the advice I found.
        Susan from Oceanside

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