Page 36 - Fashion issue
P. 36
Woman of Distinction
Dr. Christy Chen Dr Chen’s Chinese heritage is acknowledged throughout her life,
although admittedly being more Americanized than her parents;
Dentist, Wife, Mother, Friend, & Valued Citizen both Chinese and Western holidays are celebrated. Mandarin, the
official Chinese language, is spoken at home so that the children
By Barbara K. Cooper will always have a common thread with their grandparents and
keep strong family bonds. The children also attend North County
Christy Chen is a very accomplished woman. She’s a dentist, with Chinese School on Saturdays to further instill Chinese culture and
practices in Escondido and Carmel Valley. She’s a wife and mother, traditions, as well as subscribing to Chinese educational programs
personally devoting herself to a beloved husband, young son and from Taiwan, with books, DVDs and children’s programs.
daughter and their home in the Scripps Ranch area. And, profes-
sionally devoting herself to her patients and our North County I inquired of Dr Chen’s opinion regarding ‘women in dentistry’ and
Community. As Dr. Chen so enthusiastically explains, “A dentist is that old ‘glass ceiling’ scenario and any advice for young women
a great combination of being an artist, a scientist, an engineer, a considering her field. A couple of statistics immediately came to her
psychologist, and a therapist at the same time!” mind, “In 2009, 44 percent graduating dentists were women and in
2010, 22 percent of practicing dentists were women. So, yes, the
Immigrating to the United States from Taiwan as a teen with her glass ceiling is less apparent, but the stereotype of the male dentist
parents and two siblings, the seems to stubbornly persist.” Her most obvious personal observa-
family settled in Alhambra, tion being that while at dental
CA. Cal State was her choice conventions with her husband,
for undergraduate studies. who is not a dentist, he will
Professional choices often be- be addressed rather than her.
gin with a twist – in Dr Chen’s Also, she notes that her tools of
case, it started with a cavity! trade, the dental instruments and
In her junior year of college equipment, have always been
she painfully availed herself to made for larger male hands and
a close friend who was taking just recently are being retooled
her dental board competency with improved design and taking
exam and needed a perfect women’s physical size into consid-
patient and case scenario. eration. Would she advise women
Familiarizing herself with the to follow her lead, “Yes, abso-
36 dental field, Dr. Chen realized lutely! Dentistry is a great career
her vocation. So after gradu- for women as it offers so many
ation, it was on to Northwest- options and patients appreciate
ern University in Chicago, IL the gentle touch a woman dentist
to obtain her Doctor of Dental brings to the field.” Dr Chen plans
Surgery in 1996. to continue her practice for many
years ahead, perhaps teaching as
Deciding to set up practice well, as the personal satisfaction
in Escondido was an easy she derives from the interaction
choice for Dr Chen, owed to with her patients is a priceless
its history and diverse ethnic reward.
population. The Carmel Val-
ley office has a newer family What is the key to balancing her
base, so in establishing a busy life? She states succinctly
second practice in 2005, she “Focus, focus, focus! Working
brought her expertise to this efficiently and productively in the
growing area. Winning the office.” Being an overall happy
trust of her patients and deliv- person, she chooses to reflect on
ering comprehensive dental good and let go of any unhappy
care is paramount to Dr situations. With a loving and
Chen. She added, “In family supportive husband who shares
practice, geriatric patients are common interests and philosophy
seen more for restorations of raising children, supportive ex-
and young patients require tended families who have always
encouragement for good oral been cheerleaders, life is full and
hygiene habits, but family practice also includes being certified for rewarding. Weekly date night is a must, usually dining at a favor-
implants, orthodontics, conscious sedation, always making patients ite restaurant like Pacifica’s in Del Mar, or Cavillion in Santa Luz.
feel comfortable with gratifying results.” Dr. Chen is a member of A couples skiing get-away, and travel abroad on occasion add to
the American, California, and San Diego County Dental Societies. their full life. “The ‘bucket list’ seems to get longer each year!” Her
‘Giving back’ in our community is essential to her, as she partici- children are her greatest accomplishments; her career, her patients
pates in the ‘Share a Smile’ national program, providing free prophy and friendships (established throughout the years) follow. Dr Chen
and sealants to underprivileged children. She offers training to our concluded, “Most importantly, I need to stay healthy to keep up with
next generation of dentists through externship programs and UCSD all the demands in my life, so I exercise at least three times a week
pre-dental society, as well as personally volunteering. and smile always, it’s easy!”