Page 26 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 26
Women of Distinction
Meet San Diego's Favorite Family
By Judith A. Habert
us with hot Italian donuts to day. On Sundays, they gathered Marisa attended San Diego
brighten our day. Her family was for big family dinners with the Christian College getting her
always her main focus.” entire extended family. Bachelor of Science Degree,
In 1986 Diane married In 1998, Mark and Diane followed by her dual teaching
Mark, who was in law enforce- met with their close friends (and credentials while also directing
ment and would later become eventual Caffé Adesso business musical shows for San Di-
a National City Police Depart- partners) Jim Fitzpatrick and ego-based community theaters,
ment Homicide Detective. Rita Rodriguez, and Caffe’ which has been her passion
Over the next few years, Diane’s Adesso was born. After many since she was a kid. Her passion
family would eventually grow locations were scouted, Alpine for theater continues today.
to four children, Aaron, Marisa, was chosen, and it couldn’t Upon graduation from
Terra, and Joe. have been more perfect. The Grossmont High in 2009, Terra
Joe and his Dad forged a relationship between the Alpine would be recruited to the Chi-
close relationship that centered community and Caffe’ Adesso cago area, where she would play
around baseball. His Dad, Mark, was a perfect marriage, and the D-3 Basketball at North Central
Photo by Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions always kept him focused on relationship has continued for College in Naperville, Illinois
baseball and would serve as 25 years. while working towards her de-
If I were to pick one word his coach through much of his The four partners were gree in Sports Management.
that epitomizes Diane Mus- young career, and before too new, proud parents of a coffee In June of 2008, Mark was
grove’s main focus in life, it long, his talents emerged. “Much business. Mark & Jim would be stricken with Guillen-Barre
would be “Family.” of our free time was spent the players behind the scenes, Syndrome, leaving him hospital-
Born and raised in San traveling to different counties while Diane and Rita handled ized and paralyzed—a shocking
Diego, Diane’s parents were and states for baseball, but it the day-to-day operation. event for the Musgrove family.
first-generation Italian Ameri- wasn’t just Joe and his Dad that In the summer of 2008, Diane’s days were now filled
cans who settled in Little Italy. traveled; his sisters loved it just Aaron had already graduated with getting to the hospital to
As a young girl, much of Diane’s as much as we did, and they from Grossmont High School. be with Mark, rushing to Alpine
youth centered around her made every trip.” He had also made his way across to handle business issues, then
horses. “I loved my horses, and Keeping up her Mom’s parts of Europe on a Post-High returning to the hospital to
at one point, I was boarding tradition, she always had a School vacation and had worked check up on Mark and spend
several horses, plus the two I delicious hot dinner where her in the construction industry time with him. She would then
owned, caring for them and per- family would congregate and before beginning his college rush home to prepare dinner for
forming numerous horse-related share their experiences of each education at UCSD. the family, and maybe if time
duties daily before school. They
definitely kept me out of trouble
as a young girl.” A graduate of
Grossmont high school, she is
one of four children, with two
sisters and a brother.
Diane knew at a young age
that there was one thing she Photo Courtesy of the San Diego Padres
wanted, “ I knew from day one
that I wanted to be a Mother
and have a family because, in my
eyes, my Mother was the perfect
example of what a Mom should
be and how you should raise
your children. I can recall Mom
always had a home-cooked meal
on the table at five o’clock. On
rainy days Mom would greet