Page 11 - Final Template Pat Brown
P. 11

How Do Women                                                           reputation of the firm had to evoke trust and
                                                                                security. That does not mean to say bigger is
                                                                                better. It does mean the firm’s reputation is
         Choose a Financial Planner --                                          stellar.  What about costs? In 95% of the re-
                                                                                spondents cost was not even in the top three
                                                                                criteria.  How about the sex of a financial
         Who Do They Trust?                                                     advisor? That doesn’t show up as even being
                                                                                in the top 10 reasons for choosing an advi-
                                                                                sor.  Remember the Mel Gibson movie “What
                                                                                Women Want?” Well the answer is loyalty,
                                                                                trustworthiness and of course personal atten-
                                                                tion. What will the level of communication be, because we need
                                                                to stay informed?  As we know women are information gatherers.
         Many women have found themselves on the horns of this di-  We get our information from TV, radio, books, magazines and the
         lemma. Increases in divorce, death of a spouse, inheritance, and   Internet. Yet we rely often on the oldest form of  communication,
         sudden success of a business, are but a few of the events that   and that is word of mouth.  A decision was made to research San
                                                                                              Diego Financial Advisors
                                                                                               and since we were some-
                                                                                               what surprised that the sex
                                                                                               of advisors didn’t matter,
                                                                                               we chose to look at some
                                                                                               men who advise women.
                                                                                               Now keep in mind that this
                                                                                               is neither an endorsement
                                                                                               nor a testimonial from San
                                                                                               Diego Woman Magazine.
                                                                                               It is just our research
                                                                                               report.  Addressing the
                                                                                               issue of brand loyalty we
                                                                                               found several good com-
                                                                                               panies. Morgan Stanley
                                                                                               Smith Barney seemed to
                                                                                               come up frequently. We
                                                                                               were impressed on how
                                                                                               they have  survived the
                                                                                               financial crisis we have   San Diego
                                                                                               seen throughout the past   Woman
                                                                                               5 years. It appears  their
                                                                                               global research capabili-
                                                                                               ties were a factor. Low risk
                                                                                               investments have been the  11
                                                                                               mainstay of their recom-
                                                                                               mendations. But what was
                                                                                               interesting to us was how
                                                                                               they have developed the
                                                                                               team approach by pairing
                                                                                               Financial Advisors so they
                                                                                               may work  together and
                                                                                               complement each other. In
                                                                                               San Diego we found such
                                                                                               a team. Dax Fletcher and
                                                                                               Ardo Peltekian, otherwise
                                                                                               known as The Fletcher
                                                                                               Peltekian Group* at
                                                                                               Morgan Stanley Smith
                                                                                               Barney. They have been
         cause women to seek help making sound financial decisions                            Financial Advisors (FA’s
         and appropriate planning. The question is a long standing one   is the industry term) for many years. They worked together as a
         however; today there are so many choices and everyone has an   team at a bank that no longer exists. That aside, they decided to
         answer or a suggestion. The options are dizzying. So we did our   team up to provide their clients what they wanted.  The problem at
         own research. We reviewed many reports and chose the June   the bank was that they had no time to develop a personal relation-
         11, 2011 report from the Nielsen consumer information company.   ship with people. They covered 7 branches of the bank where
         The report has some interesting statistics.  Not too surprising the   they got customers, but not clients. We asked how they decided
         answer to our question garnered some standard responses. For   to go to Morgan Stanley Smith Barney and Ardo said they wanted
         example how a woman hires a financial advisor depends on age,   a solution based career and not a product based one, and the op-
         social background and of course circumstances. But there were   portunity to build relationships. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney was
         some surprises too.   Nielsen found that the number one driver   their first choice.  Dax emphasized that he and Ardo are married
         in making this decision was – brand quality. In other words the   family men. Though they work long hours they make sure
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