Page 12 - San Diego Woman Military Coverage 2019
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Hospice Volunteering friends. At LightBridge, we offer our patients aromatherapy, Healing
Touch, chaplain services, and life review. We also provide a volunteer
trained in therapeutic harp and two volunteers who bring their friendly
dogs to patients for a joyful dose of pet therapy. Volunteers play a
By D. Kim, huge part in expanding Lightbridge’s services to provide the best of
LightBridge Hospice Volunteer/Pre-Med Student care to all patients.
“Too often, we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a Just enjoy as our volunteers share the life stories that embody the
kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the small- personal and powerful experience of volunteering at LightBridge!
est act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life
around.” -Leo Buscaglia (1) A patient expressed that she wanted to talk to her brother whom
she has lost contact with for several years. A Lightbridge volunteer lo-
Life passes us by in a blur, with no signs of slowing down. We are cated a private investigator to find her brother and spent several hours
some of the busiest people in the world, having to juggle our careers, on the phone to fulfill her patient’s wish. On her birthday, the patient
families, friends, and personal crises. When do we find time to really talked to her long-lost brother on the phone for the first time in many
contemplate what is truly important in our lives? years. The private investigator was so touched by the story that he did
not charge for his time.
Hospice is a place where patients and families contemplate what’s (2) One Lightbridge volunteer is a veteran marine. He spends his time
really important to them as they come to terms with their mortality. participating in Honor Ceremonies in full dress uniform to show ap-
Spending time with family, loved ones and friends becomes of utmost preciation to our veteran patients.
importance. Hos- (3) We have a patient
pice volunteers are who is an avid writer,
integral in helping artist, and creator. He
patients and their has always dreamed
families along in of having a book in the
this crucial time; library. One of our vol-
often a challeng- unteers is in the pro-
ing yet also very cess of entering him
gratifying/reward- in a traveling art show
ing time in their life where his work will be
journey. displayed across the
United States. After
Volunteers at the traveling show,
Lightbridge are his work will be stored
a valuable part in the Brooklyn Art
of an integrated Library, open to the
48 team who care public.
for patients at
a critical time in Lightbridge volunteers
their lives. They are people with open
give their time, hearts. Most volun-
energy, talents and teers give their time
support; and they to sit by a patient’s
share these gifts bedside and simply
with dignity and give the gift of pres-
grace. Along the ence. Patients and
way, volunteers families are so grateful
realize that they to have a companion
too are the benefi- who can provide so
ciaries of priceless much compassion and
gifts: friendship, love and joyful moments. A gentle touch, a smile, a care in a difficult time. Volunteers have so many special opportunities
kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or even the smallest to really make a difference in people’s lives.
act of caring can forever impact the life of the volunteer, as well as the
patient. The rewards of hospice volunteering are immeasurable and Volunteering for Lightbridge is incredibly beneficial in a unique way for
indescribable. each volunteer. Often, a volunteer grows and matures as a person.
A volunteer also can benefit one’s current or future career, improve
The Hospice Volunteer Association gives an eloquent definition of a self-esteem, build life-long relationships, reinforce values, and learn
hospice volunteer: “Through a compassionate connection with the dy- knowledge and skills. Hospice volunteering allows one to be open and
ing person, their presence often becomes an important element in that love, to grow in compassion and empathy.
person’s final journey -- bearing witness to dying and death.” Light-
Bridge volunteers have the privilege of spending time with a patient in Never underestimate the effect that volunteering at Lightbridge can
the final days of his or her journey. To be invited to take part in such a have on a single life. The simplest gift – time – is also the most valu-
personal time of one’s life is a gift of priceless value. able and the impact is profound. The gratitude of the patients and their
families is simply enough.
Lightbridge’s volunteers are a diverse group of people with a variety
of talents, gifts, and passions to offer to our patients. In our ranks, we What gifts will you bring to our patients? And what gifts are awaiting
have retired professionals, teachers, retired miltary, college students, you?
medical professionals, engineers, social workers, chaplains, and
much more. Each volunteer brings a unique experience to his or her Please contact LightBridge Hospice at (858) 458-2992 or visit our
patient. Often, hospice volunteers become involved in volunteering website at
because they have personally witnessed the care, compassion, and
relief other hospice volunteers have offered to family members and