Page 13 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 13

Women of Distinction

        around San Diego. She   underwent various                                                  Soon after it
        enjoyed the intimacy   treatments, including                                           opened, The Alcove
        they offered and imag-  chemotherapy, until she                                        became a welcomed
        ined owning her own   was cancer free in 2013.                                         gathering space for local
        place one day. Her first   In 2014, she finally                                        residents, but every-
        priority was for it to be   bought a fixer-upper                                       thing changed with the
        small and personable,   that she sold in 2017,                                         onset of the pandemic.
        “A home away from     providing the funding                                            By then, Angela had
        home, a ‘Cheers’ atmo-  for her to pursue her                                          exhausted most of her
        sphere,” as she described  dream seriously.                                            funds just to launch
        it. With that concept in   That’s when the real                                        the business. Like so
        mind, her journey be-  work began. “I had no                                           many others, she had
        gan. Although it would   idea what I was getting                                       to get creative to stay
        take years, Angela never   into,” she admitted. “It                                    in business. After the
        gave up.              took nearly two years to   until she discovered   mitted to knowing what   initial shutdown, when
           In 2012, Angela    find a location.” While   the location where The   her customers like and   bars and restaurants
        found herself in the   she had geographic   Alcove now sits.     has the same expecta-  could open on a limited
        middle of a divorce   boundaries in mind for   Formerly a small   tion for her employees.   basis, she needed to
        which forced her to sell   locating her business,   used furniture shop, the  Ironically, Angela is not   make some rapid and
        her home. Staying fo-  she quickly became   landlord was willing   a huge wine drinker,   immediate changes.
        cused on her dream, she   schooled about the   to pay for some tenant   and one of the ways   She built a small
        decided to use the pro-  various licensing regu-  improvements and   she engages customers   patio to accommodate
        ceeds from that sale to   lations and restrictions   provided six months of   is by hosting free wine   outside diners, which
        invest in a fixer-upper   that eliminated many   free rent while Angela   tastings where they help   was all that was allowed
        with hopes of selling it   possible locations she   and her architect de-  select which wines to   initially. She cut her
        at an even greater profit   considered. She also   signed and built out the   include on the menu. It   payroll, which meant
        to grow her nest egg in   received very little co-  space, which required   is a unique approach,   she had to reduce her
        order to open her busi-  operation from poten-  a major remodel. “I   but certainly one that   daytime office manag-
        ness. Then in the same   tial landlords regarding   was surprised by all the   values her customers’   er work so she could
        year, she was diagnosed   tenant improvements   building permits and   input.          work at the wine bar.
        with breast cancer and   and rent abatements   licensing requirements,   She also dedicates   When restaurants and
                                                    especially for a bar/  much time cultivating   bars were authorized
                                                    restaurant. It was a load   a menu that pairs well   to provide take-out
                                                    of work, and the permit   with both wine and   service, she reduced the
                                                    process alone cost   beer. “I want to make   hours of operation. One
                                                    nearly $30,000,” she   sure there is something   of the biggest challenges
                                                    admitted. The build-out  for everyone,” she   was finding and keeping
                                                    began in May 2019 and   said. As a result, what   chefs during this time.
                                                    finished in December.   is served is not “typi-  Angela went through
                                                    Angela temporarily   cal” bar fare. Anthony   approximately thirty
                                                    quit her job to ensure   Magee has been an   during the pandemic.
                                                    the work was complet-  intermittent chef at The   Despite all of the chal-
                                                    ed on schedule. She   Alcove since it opened.   lenges, “The community
                                                    also made presenta-  His twelve years of   was very supportive,”
                                                    tions to the El Cerrito   culinary experience   she acknowledges. She
                                                    Community Board to   has inspired many of   said customers would
                                                    keep them informed   the items on the menu.   patronize the local
                                                    and to earn their sup-  “Customers are always   restaurants on a rota-
                                                    port which she grate-  amazed by the quality   tional basis to be equal-
                                                    fully received.      of the food because the   ly supportive in hopes
                                                       Angela succeed-   kitchen is so small,” he   those establishments
                                                    ed in creating a very   says. Some favorites   would remain open.
                                                    personable atmosphere   include the “Alcove    Despite her positive
                                                    where locals feel    Burger,” the lemon    energy and exuberant
                                                    comfortable to drop in   garlic parmesan shrimp   confidence, Angela
                                                    for a minute or for an   pasta, or the stuffed   admits the pressures
                                                    evening. She is com-  poblano pepper.      of keeping the wine

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