Page 32 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 32

Photos Courtesy of Jono Green
        opened Symbiotic, located at
        9020 Kenamar Drive, Suite
        201, in San Diego, and their
        dream became a reality.
           Their 8,400 sq. ft. Symbiot-
        ic Training Center is equipped                                                                               Photo by Zander Samarasinghe
        with 100 ft. of turf area for
        sprinting and throwing, a 4,500
        sq. ft. training floor, ample
        natural lighting, and an indoor
        pitching mound with data ana-
        lytics so athletes can pitch year-
        round. The Center includes a
        variety of recovery equipment
        and modalities, including
        physical therapy, cold plunge
        and contrast therapy by Edge
        Theory Labs, and a Normatec/
        Hyperice recovery room.
           This all-star team includes
        Dr. Ashley Maher and Dr.
        Randi Esquibel, who both hold
        the designation of Perfor-
        mance Therapists, PT, DPT.,
        and Symbiotic partner Brett
        Rabin, a California Licensed
        Acupuncturist who has been the
        Acupuncturist for the San Diego
        Padres since the 2015 season.
           Softball pitching instruc-
        tion and performance pro-
        grams are also available and
        offered by Dana Sorensen,
        a former pitcher at Stanford  Photo by Zander Samarasinghe
        University, the National Pro-
        fessional Fastpitch League, and
        the USA national team.
           This facility not only caters
        to professional athletes but also
        trains student-athletes at the
        high school and college levels.   60 minutes are conducted by   I post everybody's workout   and Founder, and all of the
        They have recently designed   one of their physical therapists.   on their app on the days that   members of Symbiotic is to
        a program for students at the   Then, the last 30 minutes are   they're coming in for training."  help athletes achieve their
        8th-grade level and under to   spent with Jono or one of their   The athletes come in small   goals and perform at the top
        help educate them to avoid   trainers, who will do metric   groups, usually no more than   of their game while teaching
        injuries and promote a positive   style testing, sprints, jumps,   ten athletes at a time. The   them to avoid injury and to
        experience to even the youngest   rotational power, and other spe-  group will start on time togeth-  become in tune with their
        athlete.                   cific testing based on their sport.   er, doing some speed and agili-  strengths and weaknesses
           Although Symbiotic spe-  It is at this point that Jono will   ty work as a group. But when it   so they can obtain optimum
        cializes in baseball and softball,   go to work customizing each   comes to their actual workouts,   performance.
        Jono has worked with a lot of   athlete's program. "I write the   everybody is performing an
        football and basketball players,   customized program for each of   individual workout, doing their   If you are an athlete or
        as well as golfers, in the past.   the athletes based on the results   own thing, and the staff will   know an athlete who could
           The first step in the pro-  of the evaluations and assess-  oversee those programs and   benefit from Symbiotic train-
        cess of becoming part of this   ments. We then use a hosting   give them any help they need.  ing center, contact them at
        amazing program includes a   app on the athlete's phone with   The goal of Owner Joe   619.736.9254 or by email at
        90-minute assessment. The first   their individualized workout.   Musgrove, Jono Green, CEO

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