Page 4 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 4
The article on STRESS and WEIGHT
LOSS was very helpful and really made
me step back and think about the im-
portance of stress in my life. I thought it
was the worst, but after reading Steph-
anie Lee’s article, I realized that stress is
often what makes us move forward in
our lives.
Photo by Lisa K. Miller all of our readers. With baseball season in As I get older, time is always on my
Leslie from Wildomar
Dear Readers,
We are so excited to present this issue to
mind. I often feel that there is just not
enough time in the day, and then I
full swing, we were so grateful to have the
opportunity to speak with Diane Musgrove
how, they manage to get a lot more
and her wonderful family. We were able to look at friends and realize that some-
done than I do. Reading Rachel’s article
get to know them, and quickly found out that all the incredible stories we helped me to better understand what I
had heard about this San Diego family were indeed true. Diane opened her was feeling.
life and her heart to us to share their story of love, hard work, family bonds, Amy from San Diego
and even tragedy that touched their lives. We came out of this experience
with an even greater appreciation of what it truly means to be a family and I love the way your magazine provides
the joy of seeing the closeness and love they all share. a place to honor our Veterans. As a pa-
Inside this issue, you will meet some amazing women and hear of how triot, I am thrilled to find a magazine
they managed to accomplish all they have when often the odds were against that shows appreciation for all they
them. have done for this country.
Are you looking for a great vacation getaway? Check out the fabulous William from Poway
spots we have covered in this issue and get out your passport (or at least
your driving shoes) to find a new getaway to make your summer special. I thought the article on women’s re-
Once again, I would like to thank our readers for your comments and tirement was very interesting. I never
compliments and for all the positivity you have been sending our way. honestly thought about the need for
Remember, we are your publication, and we always love hearing from you. us to put more planning into our retire-
Do you have someone you feel should be honored in our publication? ment. Now I am starting to seek advice
Just send us an email at or give us a call at to help me assure that I am ready when
888 275 7125. We would love to hear from you. the time comes.
Perhaps your business needs a little more exposure, and you would like Annette from Chula Vista
to reach San Diego Women. There is no better way than through our pages.
With advertising rates lower than any other publication, we take great pride Don’t Blink brought up such a valid
in helping local businesses thrive. Contact our advertising department at point and one that I think about every today and let us be your partner in day. Now that I am a grandma, I realize
success. how much I missed or simply forgot
Enjoy the rest of your summer, and be sure to take us with you as you about my children’s early days. As a
grandma, I am taking the time to en-
soak up the sun on our beautiful San Diego beaches. Stay Cool! joy every moment of my grandson and
granddaughter’s youth. I advise all your
readers to do the same.
Great Big Hugs, Vicky from Escondido
Judith A. Habert
Wow, the Lowrider article was great! I
have always loved Lowriders and en-
joyed seeing the photos of some beau-
tiful ones.
Maria from Mission Valley