Page 46 - Outstanding Women Friendly Physicians (2)
P. 46

I feel guilty all                                     your mind and thinking, spot the difference between urgent and
                                                           important. Focus on the important first.
                                                           Recognize the past for what it is. Write 10 things that you wish
                                                           you hadn't done, and then write 10 things you wish you had
     the time …                                            done. Give yourself five points for each item that feeling bad
                                                           about would really help. Your score is zero, isn't it?
                                                           Practice feeling guilty: Set aside 15-20 minutes daily and think
                                                           of a past event to feel bad about. Feel guilty. Beat yourself up.
     By Soma Bhadra                                        Pity, anger, worry, bring them all on. Then step back and see
                                                           what an enormous drain of energy feeling guilty is. Why do it?
     How often have you felt guilty for: Leaving your kid at day care?   List all the things you are avoiding by feeling guilty. What are
     Not having enough time with family? Leaving work early? Not   you planning to do about them? You can avoid doing almost
     serving a home-cooked meal? The bills paid late, laundry not   anything by feeling guilty, being lazy, lacking direction. Spend
     folded, dishwasher not cleared out?                   your time actually doing something about the situation rather
     Guilt is a prevailing undercurrent of women’s lives, at least in   than sitting and feeling guilty about it.
     the first 10-15 years of professional life with a growing family.   Accept responsibility for the choices you make. They are yours,
     Does it need to be this way? Why do women spend so much   be it mistakes or misfortunes, own them. You have the right to
     time consumed by this and                                                                 be wrong some-
     feeling miserable? No, it is                                                              times, it's OK. As
     not work-life balance issue,                                                              long as you do
     and it is solvable.                                                                       something about
     Guilt is the top effective-                                                               it, resolve to never
     ness-killing emotion, an                                                                  repeat it, it's all
     absolute waste of energy                                                                  right.
     and time. We are condi-                                                                   Dissociate
     tioned to feel guilty since                                                               yourself from
     childhood, a very hard habit                                                              guilt wielders.
     to break. Parents, teachers,                                                              The world is full
     neighbors, family, religion,                                                              of people who
     all use guilt to regulate                                                                 cast off their bad
     behavior. We are taught                                                                   feelings onto oth-
     that there are strict right                                                               ers. Ignore them;
     and wrong behavioral rules                                                                throw them out of
     and expected to feel good                                                                 your life. They are
 46  and bad respectively. This                                                                not your friends;
     conditioning is carried over                                                              they are your
     to adulthood, reinforced by                                                               worst enemies.
     society every step of the                                                                 Connect with
     way.                                                                                      people who help
     Guilt is the perfect excuse                                                               you construct a
     for not changing self. When                                                               good life.
     something is not working,                                                                 The worst case
     we tend to 'pay our dues'                                                                 of guilt is demon-
     by feeling bad about it,                                                                  strated by young
     and then go on living. It                                                                 mothers going to
     is the easy way out. Guilt                                                                work leaving their
     also allows us to hold oth-                                                               child at day care,
     ers responsible, while we                                                                 feeling miser-
     look for approval and pity.                                                               able all day and
     By feeling guilty, we feel                                                                wondering if their
     conscientious and caring.                                                                 career is worth it.
     If only there were not these                                                              You bet it is worth
     extenuating circumstances                                                                 it! Please do not
     forced on us by the evil                                                                  feel guilty - it does
     world, we would have come                                                                 not do anything
     through. Then there is the                                                                for you or your
     bad case of "should-have".                                                                child. Instead
     “I should have asked for an                                                               accept that you
     approval.” "I should have                                                                 are human and
     added this to my to-do list.”                                                             life does not flow
     “I should have started this                                                               smoothly, and
     project earlier.”                                                                         think long term.
     Feeling guilty over what does not get done is pure misery. It                             Things are going
     is usually a long to-do list, why expect that 100% needs to be   to be lopsided and messy and often - but over time, it's all going
     completed by the end of the day? On your to-do list, only 20%   to ease out. Your kids will not curse you when they grow up.
     is actually important. Attend to only those items. Others will   Instead they will admire you as a superwoman who went for a
     solve over time. The key skill is to identify which of those items   career while loving them as much as you could.
     is important. I did not say urgent, I said important. There is a
     big difference. 99% of what you think is urgent, is not! Clear up   Reading suggestion: Work Smarter Not Harder, By Jack Collis; Ambition is Not a
                                                           Dirty Word by Debra Condren.
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