Page 9 - Dr Pamela Peeke
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Woman of Distinction

                                            LYNELLE LYNCH                                        Photos By Lisa K Miller
                                                                                                      By Robert Tussey

                                                 CEO Bellus School of Beauty Poway

       Beauty schools are now colleges.  And the cliché of gum-  and others, Bellus and her sister schools, Bay Vista College in
       popping bubble-haired Rizzo’s is long gone.  I visited the Bellus   National City and Je Boutique College in El Cajon, offer world
       School of Beauty on Poway Road and had the pleasure of   class training and services.
       interviewing Lynelle Lynch, CEO, and having a guided tour of   The focus here is not only on training and professionalism, she
       the facility.  This is serious business.                 also educates on the business fundamentals side of cosme-
       Visits to the hairdresser are now appointments with our stylist.    tology.  “2005 was probably when some of the first textbooks
       We gossip, catch up, compare movie and music interests while   were written for cosmetologists that specifically talked about
       our hair is tended to, gleefully unaware of the training and dedi-  how to build your marketing skills. Industry experts will tell you
       cation it took to get to the back of my chair.  What I found on   that 85% of your success will be your business and marketing
       the day of my visit are dedicated, caring trainers and a focused   skills.”  Her classes show how important it is to market them-
       coterie of students striving for                                                      selves and create their own
       perfection in their craft.                                                            level of success.  “We do
       The training facility at the                                                          job-interviewing, role-play-
       academy is laid out specifi-                                                          ing, we do resume writing
       cally for function:  Cosme-                                                           with the students, and by the
       tology, Esthetics, Holistic                                                           time they get done they have
       Health, Spa Nail Technician,                                                          had a lot of expertise and
       and Make-up Artistry.  The                                                            hopefully the students take
       front end of the academy is                                                           advantage of our ex-tern
       the salon and is sleek and                                                            program.  That’s where one
       busy as the students and                                                              day for eight weeks they go
       trainers ply their trade. What                                                        work in a professional salon
       strikes you most upon enter-                                                          so they get to see and feel
       ing is the energy and eager-                                                          what it looks like in the real
       ness, from the front desk/                                                            world.”                    San Diego  Woman
       receptionist to the stylists.                                                           Their Holistic Health Prac-
       Lynelle was contagious in                                                             titioner course is over 1000
       her vigor and enthusiasm.                                                             hours.  “Becoming a top
       Lynelle graduated from Col-                                                           professional takes literally   9
       orado State University with                                                           hundreds, if not thousands,
       a major in chemistry and mi-                                                          of hours.  Yet the Bellus
       nor in fashion merchandis-                                                            Academy, with their ad-
       ing.  She has been the COO                                                            vanced training allows the
       of the Greater San Diego                                                              students to gain the required
       Chamber of Commerce and                                                               advanced training (and busi-
       was on the boards of twelve                                                           ness skills) to be successful
       charities and chaired or                                                              right after graduation.  The
       coordinated many small and                                                            advanced training takes the
       large charity events.  She is                                                         place of years of advanced
       a former Miss Colorado and                                                            education and experience.
       spent her first sixteen years                                                         The HHP Program is one
       after graduating with Saks                                                            thousand hours and can be
       Fifth Avenue.  Her resume is                                                          completed in ten months.”
       filled with many prestigious                                                          The Holistic Health Practitio-
       accomplishments but she                                                               ner is the premier certifica-
       states simply, “My passion is                                                         tion.
       in marketing and making a                                                             While the changes in the spa
       difference.” Her passion led them to win the School of the Year   and salon industries have been remarkable in the last decade,
       award from Modern Salons First Chair.                    the demand for qualified technicians has never been greater.
       The school is a multi-faceted amalgam of training and certifica-  However, those demands are broader and require more of the
       tion in all elements of the cosmetology arena. The students ar-  graduate.  To market yourself today the industry demands that
       rive en masse and work long hours learning and applying their   technicians must have multiple licenses or advanced train-
       trade.  The goal here is to graduate world class technicians and   ing.  To market oneself successfully the student of today needs
       grow the business:  San Diego ranked third (in a recent sur-  expanded skillsets and business acumen.
       vey) for number of spas in a city.  In the company of La Costa
                                                        Issue 2, 2009
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