Page 58 - Final Inspirational Women Issue
P. 58

iraCosta College students celebrated
                                                                             Mtheir talents and insight at a recent
                                                                              photo exhibition entitled SURVIVAL IS
                                                                              NOT ENOUGH, held at Civic Center
                                                                              Library in Oceanside. The photographers
                                                                              represented in the show were students of
                                                                              Art 251, a digital photography class held
                                                                              at MiraCosta College. The exhibit opened
                                                                              on April 6th with a celebratory reception
                                                                              attended by the artists, family, friends, and
                                                                              some past students of this same digital
                                                                              photography class.
                                                                                  After viewing the work of these
                                                                              talented Artists, San Diego Woman
                                                                              Magazine hopes that in the future we can
                                                                              share more of their work through the
                                                                              pages of our Magazine.  Congratulations
                                                                              to all who participated and shared their
                                                                              artistic talents and skills in this wonderful
           Nat Tapia, “Leucadia Bar, located in Leucadia”


                                                                                               Christina Viveros-Cruz,
                                                                                               “My grandma’s backyard.
                                                                                               My cousins and I would
                                                                                               play ball and accidently
           Professor Christina Ree’s                                                           throw it to the neighbor’s
           class; Beginning Digital                                                            house. I wanted to recreate
           Photography, Art 251                                                                the actual angle we had
           Spring, 2018                                                                        seen it from.”

                                                                                          Proud Family,
                                                                                           Nat’s #1 Fans

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