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                                                      PACIFIC PEARL LA JOLLA
                                                      Guarneri Integrative Health, Inc. at Pacific Pearl La Jolla provides
                                                      comprehensive, transformative holistic, and integrative healthcare from some
                                                      of the nation’s most renowned doctors. Integrative medicine is an approach to
                                                      patient care that addresses the full range of physical, emotional, mental, social,
                                                      spiritual, and environmental influences that impact health. With access to the
                                                      best in state-of-the-art Western medicine as well as functional, naturopathic
                                                      and Chinese medicine, patients who’ve endured chronic and complex health
                                                      challenges find significant relief, often for the first time in their lives. Led by
                                                      integrative cardiologist Dr. Mimi Guarneri, the Pacific Pearl La Jolla doctors
                                                      are dedicated to not only treating disease but preventing illness and guiding
                                                      patients to a healthy lifestyle. Pacific Pearl La Jolla offers VIP memberships as
                                                      well as two-part, two-doctor comprehensive assessments with an MD and an
                                                      ND for specific health challenges. Intensive treatments may be recommended
                                                      that focus on addressing a patient’s specific goals over a short period.

        Mimi Guarneri, MD, FACC             Rauni Prittinen King,                Elizabeth Kaback, MD
                                            MIH, RN, CHTPI, HNB-BC
        Dr. Mimi Guarneri is a renowned                                          Elizabeth Kaback, MD, is an integrative
        integrative cardiologist and author who    Rauni Prittinen King is the founder and   cardiologist with expertise in both
        leads a team of experts in state-of-the-art   executive director of Guarneri Integrative   conventional and natural approaches
        conventional, integrative, and natural   Health Inc. and Miraglo Foundation, a   to lipid management and congestive
        medicine at Guarneri Integrative Health,   non-profit 501c3 public charity at Pacific   heart failure (cardiomyopathy.) She has a
        Inc. at Pacific Pearl La Jolla. She is the   Pearl La Jolla. Her focus is on healing   special interest in the prevention of primary
        founder and president of the Academy   people and transforming lives through   and secondary coronary artery disease.
        of Integrative Health & Medicine. Dr.   education, health, and research -- locally,   She has advanced training in integrative
        Guarneri co-founded the Scripps Center for   and globally. Rauni is also a founder of   medicine and completed a fellowship in
        Integrative Medicine and served as Medical   Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine. A   integrative medicine at the Andrew Weil
        Director for 15 years. She has received   healing touch practitioner/instructor, her   Center for Integrative Medicine. Dr. Kaback
        numerous honors and is ranked as number   interest is in biofield or energy medicine.   uses multi-modality treatments to provide
        six of the “100 Top Physicians Practicing   She served six years on the board of   patients all the innovative tools they need
        Integrative Medicine” by Newsmax. Her   the Academy of Integrative Health and   to reach their health goals. These tools
        books include 108 Pearl to Awaken Your   Medicine and is currently the chair of their   include a combination of traditional
        Healing Potential (2017), The Heart Speaks   international development.   approaches and nutritional strategies,
        (2007) and The Science of Natural Medicine   For treatments, services, events, and   supplements, and exercise prescriptions
        by Great Courses. She is the host of PBS's   Miraglo donations:          as part of a comprehensive health care
        Live Better Now with Dr. Mimi Guarneri.   contact Rauni at 858-459-6919.    plan. Dr. Kaback believes the patient
        For clinical appointments call 858-459-6919.  and doctor are a team and need to work
        See                                         together in an open, honest, secure, and                                                   warm environment to achieve maximum                                 wellness, health, and wholeness.                    
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