Page 25 - Tracy Anderson Issue
P. 25

Dr. Shira Shasho                               Photo by Dawn Nicoli

                                                                 Dr. Shasho and her little girl, Eden, worked closely with the construction crew, being on site
                                                                 every day making sure the final office was exactly what she hoped it would be.  In early
                                                                 2010, Dr. Shira Shasho opened Edent, naming the practice after her daughter, who at the
                                                                 age of 8 still proudly tells everyone that she has a dental practice named after her.
                                                                 Wanting a larger family, and a sibling for her young daughter, Dr. Shasho took some time
                                                                 from her practice and four years after Eden’s birth, she welcomed her second daughter,
                                                                 Danielle.  Although dentistry is a passion, her girls are always number one in her heart, so
                                                                 she manages to spend as much time as possible with them, never missing school
                                                                 functions or leaving their care up to others.  She realizes that this is an important time in
                                                                 their lives, and she cannot gain this time back once it has past.
                                                                 I asked Dr. Shasho what made her choose Dentistry, and what it is that she truly loves
                                                                 about her profession., “What I enjoy most in dentistry is being able to totally change the
                                                                 misconceptions that many people have about our field.  There are so many individuals who
                                                                 are fearful or distrustful of dentists.  This is why my patients are included in every step of
                                                                 their care, and the reason I spend so much time with each patient.  It is so gratifying for me
                                                                 to see the transformation in them when they leave my office, no longer afraid to schedule a
                                                                 dental appointment, but instead looking forward to their next visit.”
                                                                 Dr. Shasho also liked the fact that dentistry is such a detail oriented profession, but one of
                                                                 the most important benefits of being a Dentist is that it gives her the ability to be her own
                                                                 boss. This fact alone is extremely important, since it allows her the valuable time to spend
                                                                 with her girls.
                                                                 Dr. Shasho is a unique type of Dentist, and one that you don’t come across every day. She
                                                                 only treats one patient at a time and very rarely bounces from chair to chair.  She dedicates
                                                                 her time to each individual who enters her office; making certain to schedule enough time
                                                                 between patients, so as not to keep them waiting. “I see myself more as a doctor, dedi-
                                                                 cated to bettering my patient’s life, than as a business woman and this is the way I choose
                                                                 to run my practice.“
                                                                 This fact is evidenced when you see how close Dr. Shasho is with her patients.  Many of
                                                                 them call her by her first name, and are even given her cell phone number, so they can call
                                                                 or text her should they need to reach her in an emergency.  It is not unusual for a patient to
                                                                 drop in, even when they don’t have an appointment just to bring her flowers or vegetables
                                                                 from their garden. The closeness she has with her patients is very unique.  Many of them
                                                                 will share their children’s wedding photos, lament over problems, or share accomplish-
                                                                 ments in their lives with their favorite dentist.  It is evident that anyone who meets Dr.
                                                                 Shasho, thinks of her as more than their dentist, but instead as a good friend or family.
                                                                 Dr. Shasho refers to them as ‘Her little dental family.’
                                                                 Dr. Shasho leaves an indelible mark on all who meet her, she has patients who will drive   San Diego
                                                                 significant distances to utilize her dental services.   One of her current patients originally   Woman
                                                                 came all the way from Los Angeles to interview her for Invisalign.  Dr. Shasho was the
                                                                 fourth dentist that she met. After her perspective patient was wowed by her evident dental
                                                                 expertise, they then spent some time getting to know each other.  Less than an hour later
         When Dr. Shira Shasho was 20 years old she left her homeland of Israel to visit her father,   Dr. Shasho received a call from this woman, and was informed that she needed to look no   25
         who lived in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. She planned on spending a short vacation   further, she had made her decision. She was willing to drive from Los Angeles to Pacific
         with him before returning home to start college.  Once she was here those plans quickly   Beach to have Dr. Shasho as her dentist. Dr. Shasho has several other patients who feel
         changed.  Dr. Shasho fell in love with this country and decided to stay.  She worked for   the same and drive similar distances to use her dental services.
         a year and saved money so she could begin her college career in the States.  Her first   When you think about Dr. Shasho, you realize that she definitely started with the odds
         semester at Coastal Carolina University was an exciting time for Dr. Shasho.  She was   against her. She started a dental practice from scratch, in a new state, in a new country,
         faced with many challenges, the biggest one was that she didn’t speak much English, but   in recessionary times, not even knowing very much of the language when she got here.
         this would not deter her from her dreams of getting a college education in a country that   But one thing is certain, Dr Shasho is a very determined woman and when she wants
         she had come to love. Dr. Shasho would tape record her sessions, and spend several   something, she is not afraid to work hard to achieve it.  Dr. Shasho adds, “I am not afraid
         hours transcribing them until she understood every word, and mastered every concept.    to work hard for what I want.  I am more afraid of not going after it and missing out on the
         She managed to accomplish what few English speaking students do, she graduated cum   opportunity to do so.”  Dr. Shasho started with nothing except a dream, and she has made
         laude with a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry.            a life for herself and her two beautiful daughters.
         Dr. Shasho soon decided that she had a passion for Dentistry, she added pre-dental   Dr. Shasho values each and every one of her patients, and is especially kind to those who
         courses to her schedule, and applied to dental school.  Her next move was to Florida to   come to her with a fear of dental care. Many prospective patients will come to her office
         begin her dental training at Nova Southeastern University College of Dental Medicine.    with previous bad experiences or just so frightened that they want to be sedated.
         Dr. Shasho applied her determination to dental studies, as she had to every other task, and   Dr. Shasho has such a calming manner and takes time to allay their fears.  She talks them
         graduated with honors.                                  through the procedure, every step of the way and takes as much time as they need to feel
         After graduation, Dr. Shasho decided to move with her young daughter to San Diego to   comfortable, and relaxed and before very long their fear has dissipated.
         begin her dental practice.  After taking a two-year extended maternity leave, she decided to   It is apparent how much Dr. Shasho’s patients love her and view her not only as a fantastic
         take her destiny into her own hands and open her own dental practice.   dentist, but as a friend or perhaps even family.  After they use her dental services, they are
         I asked Dr Shasho how she came up with the bold decision to open her own private   quick to spread the word among friends and family about how wonderful she is. Dr. Shasho
         practice, with no business experience, in a new place, far away from her family and friends,   has built her practice purely on referrals from existing patients who truly love this very
         with no financial or social safety nets, and as a single mother.  Her reply was, " As I see it,   special lady. She truly believes the motto of her practice, and she does everything she can
         I didn’t have much choice. it was 2008, the recession was felt, I couldn’t find an associate   to make sure her patients will “KEEP ON SMILING”
         position, and if I could, being a single mother requires a lot of schedule flexibility that I
         wouldn’t have had as a new associate.  I was raised by the strongest woman I’ve ever   Dr. Shira Shasho
         known, whom, from a very young age, instilled in me the notion that anything is possible if
         you are willing to go after it and get it. She gave me the courage and strength to persevere   Pacific Beach Office:
         the challenges and obstacles of life. So I took the leap of faith and decided to just do it.   1038 Grand Ave
         Just like Sinatra sang, ‘yes, there were times I knew I bit off more than I could chew, but   San Diego, CA 92109
         through it all, when there was doubt, I ate it up and spit it out, I faced it all and I stood tall   858-412-5155
         and most importantly, I did it my way.”
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