Page 4 - Pamela Stambaugh SD Woman Magazine 2024
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Women of Distinction
Get the People Right, Success “I have had the opportunity to work The first of these, High-Five Team,
Happens, Get the People Wrong, with Meghan Atilano, the Executive Di- involves assessing and developing the
Painful Setbacks & HIGHER COSTS rector of HR and Training at Manna De- team. The leader utilizes self-assess-
ment and leader assessment from direct
velopment. She said yes to this year-long
coaching of their operations team that reports. Additionally, the team assesses
In today’s economy, organizations will be included their finance manager, whose itself as a team and then re-aligns priori-
hesitant to employ an outside expert to fix department had a huge turnover turn- ties based on that feedback. This is a 2-3
what they cannot rectify in-house. The around from participating in the ‘Success month experience.
reality is that fixing management problems Accelerators + Action Multipliers’. The The second, Pro-Leadership
will turn out to be a huge money saver in finance department diminished turnover Mastery, is a six-month cohort-based
the long run. from 60% to 30% and saved $70,000 in program, designed to specifically develop
“Manna Development, which piloted just eight months, a change attributed to leadership traits, practice being Ac-
the ‘Success Accelerators + Action Multi- this 52-week coaching program.” countable, Awake, and Aware as a leader,
pliers’ course, has a lot of heart, and the Accountability Pays Inc. now offers develop listening skills, and execute a
executive team has been together for 22 three results-oriented packages, inclusive “Stake in the Ground” project within his/
years. Their ‘Share the Dough’ program, a of assessing, pre-testing and post-testing. her company.
charitable entity, helps employees in cata- Each is designed to be stand-alone or The Success Accelerators + Action
strophic events, sponsors families during sequential, for developing leaders and, Multipliers® for Time-Challenged Lead-
the holidays, and provides scholarships to therefore, their teams for greater produc- ers are 52 weekly Leadership Mindfulness
those in need. tivity, performance, and profitability. practice sessions, requiring between 15