Page 14 - Digital Version For Web SDW Bridal 2015 (2)
P. 14

Love’s Magic

         By Deeba Van Overberghe

      Is the grass greener?  Oh, I don't know.  I hear marriage   Driving back from this experience, I was impressed with the
      requires a lot of work.  But, on this side of the fence - the   tradition in their wedding, and the strong threads of love from
      single side of living - it's kind of boring. I understand the   which the bride and groom were composed.  It was beautiful to
      Tzimtzum factor of union and know that I haven’t been ready   witness their families celebrating them with wishes of great
      to make room for anyone else. A true believer in love and   abundance in all its forms.
      marriage, I’ve just been timid, having turned down three   Charm was in the air as the sun was beginning to set.
                                                                                                   The reception for
                                                                                                    the next wed-
                                                                                                    ding was being
                                                                                                    held garden-side
                                                                                                    at an estate in
                                                                                                    Rancho Santa
                                                                                                    Fe. I was greet-
                                                                                                    ed by a group
                                                                                                    of young, white
                                                                                                    gloved, tuxedoed
                                                                                                    valets, eager to
                                                                                                    park my car.  A
                                                                                                    beautiful young
                                                                                                    girl handed
                                                                                                    me a glass of
                                                                                                    champagne and
                                                                                                    invited me to
                                                                                                    walk down the
 14                                                                                                 path covered by
                                                                                                    tall trees
                                                                                                    twinkling lights.
                                                                                                    Glass jars
                                                                                                    with candles
                                                                                                    inside were
                                                                                                    hanging from
                                                                                                    satin ribbons
                                                                                                    off trellises and
                                                                                                    tree branches,
                                                                                                    twinkling soft
      proposals, I’m still looking. Waiting, Thinking and Believing.    light across the path leading to the reception.
      Trusting, or not.
                                                             Music was carried along the breeze as people were dancing
      Recently, I had two weddings to attend on the same day.  The   across a raised floor.  Floating candles sparkled in the pool,
      first was being held in San Juan Capistrano at a beautiful   white, brown and green flowers and plants spilled in abundance
      gothic church.  Celtic songs floated from the strings of a harp,   across tables, footpaths and patios. Everyone looked so beauti-
      beautiful words were sung in this language I didn’t speak and   ful.  The bride was in a dress that tumbled to her feet, spilling
      yet in my heart I understood.  Families, love, joy, whispers and   down toward the floor. The groom's charm, more than the tux
      grace were everywhere.                                 he wore, was warm and inviting. Happiness was everywhere
                                                             sprinkled with the lilt of laughter.  A fun crowd, we danced
      Bowing of heads and hearts:  The raising of eyes and exultant   long into the night.  Toast after toast, dinner and more
      sighs, as father and bride walked down the aisle. The bride   dancing.  The parents were proudly telling funny stories about
      was a petite and beautiful soul, in a stunning dress. Beads sewn   the bride and groom when they were young.   And so laughter
      onto the dress as if a belt hung low on her size two hips;   rang long into the night.
      perfection in action. And her groom was tall and handsome,
      distinguished with happiness around the edges.  His attire   Exhausted, I made my exit on tired feet, heels in my hand; I
      showing off the big shoulders that will carry dreams hopes and   felt the magic of love in the air.  I thought of how these two
      desires to fruition for his new family.  They were so beautiful,   weddings symbolized the longing for people to join together, to
      these two who are now one. Love and light resonated through-  prosper with a partner and to share that love with the world.
      out the candle lit sanctuary.                          I wondered that night, if I had been selfish with my life, living
                                                             alone, and for a brief moment, thought, Hmmm, perhaps it is
                                                             time to hop the fence to the other side and “give it a go.”
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